(en)Katalog ECTS

Serigraphy and digital techniques

(en)Pedagog: dr hab. prof. Uczelni Mateusz Dąbrowski
(en)Asystent/ci: dr hab. prof. Uczelni Mateusz Dąbrowski

(en)Pole (en)Opis
Course type major
Didactic methods

didactic dialogue, workshop activities, lecture.

Language of lecture polski;
Liczba punktów ECTS: (en)-brak-
Liczba godzin w bezpośrednim kontakcie z nauczycielem akademickim (en)-brak-
Liczba godzin samodzielnej pracy studenta związanych z osiągnięciem efektów uczenia się (zgodnie z profilem specyfiki kształcenia na wydziale) (en)-brak-

passing grade in the first year

basic knowledge of software (Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop)

Teaching goals (program content, subject description)

We work on gaining technical experience in serigraphy and digital techniques. We work on the ability to formulate thoughts and concepts visually. We learn to talk about ourselves and others, our creative work and to be open to different world-views and artistic attitudes.

The form of passing the course (assesment methods and criteria)

evaluation of individual (artistic) work of the student.

attendance and activity in class.

Final requirements

ability to use screen and digital printing techniques consciously

ability to creatively search for creative solutions within artistic printmaking, based on intuition and conceptual assumptions.

ability to speak about his/her creative work.

Compulsory literature used during classes

„Buszujący w zbożu”  J. D. Salinger

„Jądro ciemności” Joseph Conrad

„Locus Solus” Raymound Roussel

„Dziennik 1953-1969”  Witold Gombrowicz

Additional literature recommended for the student's self learning

„Religia i Nauka” Bertrand Russell

„Potęga mitu” Joseph Cambell

„Świat bezprzedmiotowy” Kazimierz Malewicz

Learning outcomes
KnowledgeSkillsSocial competences

K_W01, K_W03, K_W04, K_W06, K_W07, K_W08

K_U01, K_U02, K_U03, K_U05, K_U06, K_U07, K_U08, K_U09, K_U10, K_U11, K_U13,   KU_U14

K_K01, K_K02, K_K06

Metody weryfikacji przedmiotowych efektów uczenia się
The weekly number of hours of classes or lectures, the number of ECTS points assigned to the subject and information on the form and completion of the subject are included in the study program and Course Cataloque (information is displayed in Akademus system)

(en)Lista studiów

(en)studia status (en)czas[h] ECTS (en)forma pass
Graphic Arts s.2 (en)o 60 3 exercise 60h
exercise [exam]

(en)Semestr 2021/22-SS (en)(Z-zimowy,L-letni)
(en)Kod kursu: #38.17775