(en)Katalog ECTS

Obligatory specialization: Experimental textile art

(en)Pedagog: prof. Barbara Łuczkowiak
(en)Asystent/ci: mgr Zygmunt Łukasiewicz, Izabella Bryzek-Tarkowska

(en)Pole (en)Opis
Course type OU
Didactic methods

-Individual project (preparation and realization of the author's project in the field of Experimental Textile)
-Problematic lecture (course and monograph - concerning textiles and weaving techniques, contemporary textiles, fabric collage, spatial compositions - fabric sculpture, and their creators)
-Discussion lecture combined with discussion
-Lecture with multimedia presentation
-Didactic discussion (meetings with students and discussion on the effects of their work)
-Workshop exercises
-Creative exercises

-Analysis of works realized in the Laboratory of Experimental Textile in with discussion
-Analysis of the works of artists connected with textiles with discussion
- Presentations of students' projects and realizations with discussion via google meet platform,
-Lectures and meetings organized with the help of google meet platform,
- Co-creation by students of profiles of the Experimental Textile Studio in social media, publishing through them works created in the Studio.

Language of lecture polski;
Liczba punktów ECTS: (en)-brak-
Liczba godzin w bezpośrednim kontakcie z nauczycielem akademickim (en)-brak-
Liczba godzin samodzielnej pracy studenta związanych z osiągnięciem efektów uczenia się (zgodnie z profilem specyfiki kształcenia na wydziale) (en)-brak-

Successful completion of two semesters of the course.

Teaching goals (program content, subject description)

The program of the Experimental Textile Studio is based on a broad view of the problem of contemporary textiles including basic knowledge of textiles, propaedeutics of weaving activities, weaving weaves, dyeing, designing and realization of individual artistic works.

During the course, students will acquire knowledge and skills such as:
- Creating a project and building the background needed to realize individual and original artwork
- Experimenting with techniques and methods necessary to design and execute works;
- Learning the principles of creating collages, sewn, sewn on and applied spatial compositions and sculptural textiles using various materials such as sisal, textile materials (tulle, lurex, velvet, cotton, linen) wire, wood, wool, string, thread, foil, etc.
- Creating spatial compositions - sculpting fabric using various materials such as paper, wood, wire, string, metal thread, foil, mesh, etc,
- Workshop exercises - getting acquainted with new techniques connected with contemporary fabric based on a broad view of the problem of spatial fabric,
- Developing workshop skills in the area of textiles,
- Realization of works in the field of textile based on observation of nature forms,
- Learn the techniques and methods necessary to design and realize works,
- Learning about the structure of fabric and basic weaving techniques,
- Color relationships in different kinds of textiles,
- Relationships between materials and materials and their interactions,
- Learning about the structure and construction of collage, appliqué and embroidered fabrics
- Learning about issues connected with the construction and construction of spatial forms in textiles and related specialties,
- Acquainting students with the main developmental trends in art, especially in the field of Experimental Textile and related disciplines, as well as with the ability to place in their context their own work, which enables them to create artistic works of high originality, topicality and creative awareness.
- Realizing original artistic concepts,
- Make conscious use of materials and techniques as well as means of imaging to create their own individual artistic concepts.
- Take independent decisions related to the problems, realization and selection of materials necessary for the realization of artistic concepts,
- Seeking and finding appropriate means of expression to develop their own creative path,
- Using mixed and experimental techniques,
-Building an intellectual background for the created work,
-Formulating and expressing thoughts about her/his artistic process and its outcomes
- Undertake artistic research and build an intellectual background for the work being created,
- Experimenting creatively in the use of new means of expression,
- Constructing oral and written as well as multimedia statements about his/her realizations and activities in the field of experimental textiles,
-Discussing and debating about art and own artistic realizations
- Formulating and expressing thoughts about their own artistic process and its results,
- Acquiring knowledge which enables them to recognize and evaluate contemporary developments in the field of textiles,
- Acquiring theoretical knowledge about the materials used in realizing works,
- Looking for new technical and formal solutions,
- Acquiring knowledge about current trends in textiles and contemporary art.

The form of passing the course (assesment methods and criteria)

- Individual review of works completed in the Experimental Textile Studio selection and presentation of works for credit,
-Commission examination with a grade,
-Participation and involvement in classes, artistic and technical level of the works completed in the Studio of Experimental Textile are evaluated,
- Submission of a .pdf file containing the documentation of the completed project by the specified deadline.

Final requirements

- Completion of an approved project,
- Public presentation of the diploma addendum before the Faculty Committee (admission to the diploma is a requirement for approaching the defense of the diploma addendum; the diploma is reviewed).

Compulsory literature used during classes

-Vitamin T: Threads and Textiles in Contemporary Art, Jenelle Porter, Phaidon, 2019.

-Sheela Gowda, Steidl & Partners, 2007.

-Joseph Havel, A Decade of Sculpture (1996-2006), 2006.

-Yayoi Kusama, I want to forever,Federico Motta Editore, 2009.

-Olafur Eliasson, Your Lighthouse, Hatie Cant, 2004.

-Louise bourgeois: The Fabric Works, 2011.

-Current online articles and videos (pdf/link) given to students

Additional literature recommended for the student's self learning

- Sarah Sze, Monografia, Benjamin H. D. Buchloh, 2016.

-Claude Lewegue, Le Grand Soir, Flammarion SA., Paris 2009.

-Collecting Contemporary Art, Adam Lindemann, Taschen, 2006.

-Art Now, Hans Werner Holzwarth, Taschen


Learning outcomes
KnowledgeSkillsSocial competences

Kw 02

1.Knows and understands key problems and issues in experimental textiles among others:

- Understands the functions of design and preparation needed to realize individual and authorial artwork

- The role of techniques and methods needed to design and execute work,

- Fabric construction and basic weaving techniques,

- Color relationships in different kinds of textiles,

- Relationships between materials and materials and their interactions,

- The role of experimentation with techniques and methods necessary to design and realize works;

- Knows the rules of creating collages, sewn, sewn-on and appliquéd spatial compositions and sculptural textiles using different materials such as sisal, textile materials (tulle, lurex, velvet, cotton, linen, wire, wood, wool, string, thread, foil, etc)

- Techniques and technology of experimental textile related specialties

- Knows and has read at least two readings from those indicated in the course bibliography.

qv 03

-Absolute knows and understands detailed and specific issues in the construction and construction of collage type fabrics, appliqued fabrics and embroidered fabrics.

-Absolute knows and understands basic issues of construction and construction of spatial forms in fabric and related specialties.

Quant 05

-Basic readings on experimental textiles and contemporary art min.

-Vitamin T: Threads and Textiles in Contemporary Art, Jenelle Porter, Phaidon, 2019.

-Sheela Gowda, Steidl & Partners, 2007.

-Joseph Havel, A Decade of Sculpture (1996-2006), 2006.

-Yayoi Kusama, I want to forever,Federico Motta Editore, 2009.

-Olafur Eliasson, Your Lighthouse, Hatie Cant, 2004.

-Louise bourgeois: The Fabric Works, 2011.


Kw 07

Knows and understands the main developmental trends in art and especially in Experimental Textile and related disciplines and is able to place his/her own work in their context, which allows for the creation of artistic works with a high degree of originality, timeliness and creative awareness.

Ku 01
- Use the knowledge and skills acquired in class as well as their talent and artistic sensitivity in expressing and realizing original artistic concepts,
- Consciously and innovatively use materials and techniques and means of imaging to create their own individual artistic concepts,
- Consciously use experimental techniques in the realization of their projects.
Ku 02
- Make independent decisions related to the problems, realization and selection of materials necessary for the realization of her/his artistic concepts,
- Create and realize his/her own individualized artistic concepts of high artistic value,
- Look for and find own means of expression, enabling him/her to develop his/her own creative way,
- Use the artistic technique correctly and boldly in the realization of his/her intentions.
Ku 03
Consciously integrate the experimental textile workshop with other specialities within the discipline. Use mixed and experimental techniques. Experiment creatively in the use of new means of expression.
Ku 04
Demonstrate the ability to critically select sources of information when implementing their own artistic concepts. Build an intellectual background for the created work. Undertake artistic research. Adapt the means of artistic expression to the issue under study. Toward 05
Approach the public presentation of their own works and artistic views, as well as the works of other artists in a responsible and meaningful way; communicate with the audience about their own work and art issues.
Ku 06
Develop oral and written (including multimedia), wellstructured and communicative statements on their own realizations and activities within the range of experimental and artistic textiles and related humanistic disciplines. Discuss and debate in public on art topics and moderate debate.
Ku 09
Create their own artistic development; to set artistic and workshop goals, to develop and broaden their own skills, to acquire new knowledge, to learn new artistic solutions and technologies. To skillfully combine theoretical and visual layers, creating a coherent whole.


He/she is competent to critically refer to his/her own artistic achievements, to discuss and express constructive assessments concerning his/her own and other people's works and artistic activity. Formulate and express thoughts concerning her/his artistic process and its effects.


Adapt to changing conditions and expectations towards the artist thinking and acting in an entrepreneurial way in art. To undertake own exhibition and publishing initiatives. Active search of funds for realization of intended artistic aims.


Perform the role of a creative and imaginative artist. Accept responsibility for own artistic works and statements. Ethical attitude of an artist towards the recipient of art and society. Observe the copyright law and care for intellectual property of other authors.

Metody weryfikacji przedmiotowych efektów uczenia się
The weekly number of hours of classes or lectures, the number of ECTS points assigned to the subject and information on the form and completion of the subject are included in the study program and Course Cataloque (information is displayed in Akademus system)

(en)Lista studiów

(en)studia status (en)czas[h] ECTS (en)forma pass
Painting / painting s.9 (en)d 180 8 lecture 180h
exercise 180h
exercise [pass/exam]

(en)Semestr 2024/25-WS (en)(Z-zimowy,L-letni)
(en)Kod kursu: #38.26147