(en)Katalog ECTS

Knowledge about visual actions and structures

(en)Pedagog: dr Grzegorz Kozera
(en)Asystent/ci: mgr Monika Kopczewska

(en)Pole (en)Opis
Course type Compulsory
Didactic methods

Lecture with multimedia presentation

Online lecture on google-meet platform together with a multimedia presentation by sharing a screen (in case of an outbreak)

Creation and workshop exercises

Individual project in response to the problem posed in the exercise

Didactic discussion, correction, consultations

Online consultation on google-meet platform (in case of an aggravation of an epidemic)

Language of lecture polski;
Liczba punktów ECTS: 2
Liczba godzin w bezpośrednim kontakcie z nauczycielem akademickim 30 godz. sem./ 2 godz. zajęć tygodniowo, w tym 1 godz. wykładowa i 1 godz. ćwiczeń. dr Grzegorz Kozera, mgr Monika Kopczewska Piątek: 11:00-13.00 14:00-16:00
Liczba godzin samodzielnej pracy studenta związanych z osiągnięciem efektów uczenia się (zgodnie z profilem specyfiki kształcenia na wydziale) 15 godz./sem, w tym: realizacja projektu indywidualnego, przygotowanie materiałów do zajęć, zapoznanie się z literaturą.

completed 2 semesters of Knowledge of Visual Actions and Structures or consent of the Dean of the Faculty of Painting for conditional entry into the 3rd semester

Teaching goals (program content, subject description)

Exercise Rhythm - rhythmic repetition, different kinds of rhythm - lecture:

1. Learning the general characteristics of the phenomenon of rhythm in the context of different scientific disciplines.

2. Learning about rhythm as an ordering factor in works of art from prehistory to 19th century.


3. Learning about rhythm as an independent means of expression in XXth century art.

- Rhythmic repetition, different types of visual rhythm - exercise:

"Rhythm as an element of picture construction":

- simple and complex rhythms,

- monotonous runs,

- counterpoint rhythm,

- assembling of many rhythms and multiplications.

Exercise ACENTS. Accent and dominant in a visual piece - a lecture:

1. Learn about the general characteristics of accents and dominants in the context of different academic disciplines.

2. Get to know the ways of accenting and different dominants in works of art from the ancient times till nowadays. 

3. Learn about the influence of accents and dominants on the way a viewer views an image/advertisement.

- Accent and Dominant in a Visual Work - Exercise:

1. Accents and dominants as factors in building a visual hierarchy of elements in an image.

2. Use of accenting visual elements by changing position, changing color, changing shape, changing thickness, and changing size.

3. Introduce a dominant into a work as a figure, set of elements, color, or background.

- Ways of representing space on a plane - lecture:

Exercise Space on a plane.


1. Getting to know the issue of space in the context of different scientific disciplines.


2. Learning about the ways of representing space on a plane in art works from ancient times till 20th c.

- Ways of representing space on a plane - exercise:

Application and analysis of space-forming factors:

- overlapping of elements,

- graduation of elements size,

- transparency,

- chiaroscuro modelling,

- cast shadow,

- gradations of color saturation,

- gradation of color saturation,

- contrasting warm and cold colors,

- systems of perspective: convergent, isometric and aerial.

- construction of a spatial system (installation, surroundings, spatial arrangement) - lecture on three-dimensional space.

The form of passing the course (assesment methods and criteria)

Submission of completed exercises Rhythm, Accents and Space on a plane by Friday 22.01.2021.

The works are collected in room 59 at the Faculty of Painting from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Please note: if epidemiological indications force us to switch to remote teaching then it will be obligatory to submit the works in a .pdf file to the indicated e-mail addresses

Participation in classes per semester is a requirement for graduation. Students are allowed two unexcused absences.

Timely submission (or submission-in the case of an exacerbated outbreak) of work is another requirement for credit.

Evaluation criteria:

Activity and involvement during the semester's work

Evaluation of the originality of the answer to the problem posed in the exercises

Evaluation of workmanship and artistic expression of the students' realizations

Final requirements

Completing all exercises in semester 3, i.e. Rhythm (6 works), Accents (6 works), Space on a plane (8 works)

Participation in a group discussion of the effects of work in the semester

Compulsory literature used during classes

E. H. Gombrich, Sztuka i złudzenie, Warszawa 1981

Jose M. Parramon, Perspektywa w rysunku i malarstwie, Wydawnictwa Szkolne i Pedagogiczne, 1993


Additional literature recommended for the student's self learning

R. Arnheim, Sztuka i percepcja wzrokowa, Warszawa 1978.

Learning outcomes
KnowledgeSkillsSocial competences

1. Knows the subject matter of visual structures. Knows the principles of painting construction.

2. Knows the technology of painting on paper and mixed techniques: collage, material collage, relief.

3. Knows detailed rules of elements organization in a picture: rhythmicity and rhythmization of elements, types of accents, rules of building illusion of space. 4. knows rules of building rhythmicity in a picture.

4. Knows the principles of building rhythms, accents and representation of space in ancient and modern works of painting.

5. Knows the readings given in the bibliography of the subject Knowledge of actions and visual structures and is able to apply the knowledge gained from these readings in practice

6. Knows the principles of originality.

1. Can create independently and in his own style, can create original works with strong expression.

2. Can create independently, experiments and searches, at the same time understanding the social context of the work, respecting the audience, not violating social norms unless for the purpose of transgression.

3. Is able to use mixed techniques: photographic collage, self-collage, material collage, assemblage, subprint techniques in painting, material and color relief, mixed painting techniques, mixed painting and drawing techniques.

1. Is ready to make a thorough self-assessment and critique of his/her own painting efforts related to rhythm, emphasis, and representation of space on a plane.

2. Is ready to discuss the work of classmates. Is ready/ready to form critical opinions about art and paintings. Is ready to

3. Is ready to transfer the acquired knowledge and skills and to teach others in workshops or actions popularizing art

Metody weryfikacji przedmiotowych efektów uczenia się

Egzamin z oceną

Egzamin z oceną

Egzamin z oceną

The weekly number of hours of classes or lectures, the number of ECTS points assigned to the subject and information on the form and completion of the subject are included in the study program and Course Cataloque (information is displayed in Akademus system)

(en)Lista studiów

(en)studia status (en)czas[h] ECTS (en)forma pass
Painting / painting s.3 (en)o 30 2 lecture 30h
exercise 30h
exercise [exam]

(en)Semestr 2024/25-WS (en)(Z-zimowy,L-letni)
(en)Kod kursu: #38.26606