(en)Katalog ECTS


(en)Pedagog: mgr inż. arch. Anna Siwek

(en)Pole (en)Opis
Course type basic
Didactic methods
  • for a course lecture
  • didactic dialogue
  • about the presentation
  • for a multimedia presentation
  • workshop exercises - coordination of studies within the team
  • for individual development of tasks and projects
  • for reading, e-learning


stationary or on-line (depending on the epidemiological situation),

Language of lecture polski;
Liczba punktów ECTS: (en)-brak-
Liczba godzin w bezpośrednim kontakcie z nauczycielem akademickim (en)-brak-
Liczba godzin samodzielnej pracy studenta związanych z osiągnięciem efektów uczenia się (zgodnie z profilem specyfiki kształcenia na wydziale) (en)-brak-

Passed the entrance examination for the 1st - all year.

Knowledge of physics, geology, chemistry, mathematics and biology at the general secondary school level, spatial imagination, freehand drawing skills, manual skills.

Teaching goals (program content, subject description)


The curriculum is designed to:

  • getting acquainted with available and possible construction solutions and materials
  • learning, with which technical means to obtain the intended spatial and aesthetic effects
  • for getting acquainted with the principles of preparing technical documentation and acquiring the ability to correctly develop technical drawings,
  • acquiring the ability to read information and technical documentation.

Curriculum content:

  • architecture as a field of art and technology; the specifics of the architect's design work; basic concepts in the field of construction, the impact of the natural and cultural environment on the building;
  • rules for making technical drawings:

ü  importance of standardization in engineering drawing.

ü  drawing sheet dimensions and shapes, sheet border, drawing board.

ü  types of drawing lines and their application

ü  drawing scale

ü  dimensioning and describing - elements, rules and methods of dimensioning, technical letter

ü  rules for making horizontal and vertical projections

ü  rules for making cross-sections - types, markings and hatching in the drawings

  • building materials and their features - stone, ceramics, concrete, reinforced concrete, steel, wood, insulation materials;
  • the basics of the building structure - mechanics and physics of the building;
  • influence of the natural and cultural environment on the building;
  • methods of inventorying objects, presenting the existing state
  • the basics of building physics;
  • for building insulation
  • structural systems - foundations, monolithic and brick walls, lintels, ceilings, roofs and flat roofs;
  • ventilation, smoke and exhaust ducts and chimneys;
  • about stairs - types. requirements, slopes; design algorithm; ramps, lifts;
  • windows and doors, carpentry, locksmith;
  • structural connection and fastening systems - bolts, screws, anchors, expansion and glued, welding, soldering, gluing, fasteners;
  • basic information on fire protection and prevention of biological corrosion;
  • interior design in old buildings - basic problems of reconstruction;
  • about ecological issues
  • elements of ergonomics

basic knowledge of human anthropomorphic data.

space of interpersonal interactions

bathroom design, basic data on bathroom equipment for the disabled.

ergonomics in the design of the kitchen



The form of passing the course (assesment methods and criteria)

Credit based on:

  • evaluation of drawings made individually
  • on checking your encyclopedic knowledge (colloquium)
  • about attendance at lectures
  • participation in corrections and cooperation with the teacher

 - according to the grading scale included in the Study Regulations.

Final requirements

Knowledge in the field of:

  • defining the basic concepts of building parts and structure and learning about the building materials used
  • drawing up an inventory of objects and presenting the existing state
  • on making technical design drawings - describing and dimensioning them, adjusting the scale of drawings as part of an interior designer workshop
  • about getting to know selected building regulations and Polish Standards
  • describing the principles of constructing and securing buildings
  • comparison of possible methods of finishing works in buildings, with particular emphasis on interiors with various functions and with different finishing standards
  • the basics of ergonomics



  • reading information and technical documentation
  • analysis of objects with the use of photographs, sketches from nature, measurement sketches
  • the use of various methods and graphic means at the stage of agreeing topics related to technical issues
  • preparation of inventory and design drawings - in accordance with the rules of technical drawings, using professional terminology, standardized projection rules and graphic symbols
  • the choice of material as an element of the interior design
  • designing technical solutions as part of a comprehensive interior design
  • searching for solutions in related fields - e.g. designing structures for use in own development or presenting suggestions for installation in the facility
  • analyzes of available construction technologies - treated not only as a set of solutions to meet the technical and functional requirements of the building, but also as a source of inspiration
  • about individual and team work
  • about cooperation with specialists in various fields.
  • to care for an in-depth solution to technical problems.
  • acting in accordance with the principles of technical knowledge and regulations.

for self-education and self-study

Compulsory literature used during classes
  1. BUDOWNICTWO OGÓLNE Tom 1 Materiały i wyroby budowlane praca zbiorowa Wydawnictwo Arkady Warszawa 2009
  2. BUDOWNICTWO OGÓLNE Tom 2 Fizyka budowli praca zbiorowa Wydawnictwo Arkady Warszawa 2008
  3. BUDOWNICTWO OGÓLNE Tom 3 Elementy budynków. Podstawy projektowania praca zbiorowa Wydawnictwo Arkady Warszawa 2010
  4. BUDOWNICTWO OGÓLNE Tom 4 Konstrukcje budynków praca zbiorowa Wydawnictwo Arkady Warszawa 2009
  5. Vademecum Budowlane praca zbiorowa pod redakcją E. Piliszka, Wydawnictwo Arkady Warszawa 2001
  6. Markiewicz P. Budownictwo ogólne dla architektów , ARCHI-PLUS, 2009
  7. Markiewicz P. Kształtowanie architektury poprzez zmianę rozwiązań budowlanych, Archi-Plus, 2006
  8. Skowroński W, Miśniakiewicz E. RYSUNEK TECHNICZNY BUDOWLANY Wydawnictwo Arkady Warszawa 2009
  9. Zell Mo; „KURS RYSUNKU ARCHITEKTONICZNEGO, Narzędzia i techniki dla przedstawiania koncepcji architektonicznych w 2D i 3D”; ABE Dom Wydawniczy, Warszawa 2008
  10. Mączeński Zdzisław; „PORADNIK BUDOWLANY DLA ARCHITEKTÓW”; Wydawnictwo Budownictwo i Architektura, Warszawa 1954
Additional literature recommended for the student's self learning

1 - Szymański E. Materiały budowlane z technologią betonu (tom1/2)  Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Warszawskiej Warszawa 2002

2 - Ochrona budynków przed korozją biologiczną praca zbiorowa pod redakcją J. Ważnego i J. Karysia , Wydawnictwo Arkady Warszawa 2001 Dodruk cyfrowy 2008

3 - Cassel J., Parham P. Malowanie mieszkania Wydawnictwo Arkady Warszawa 1997

4 - Cassel J., Parham P.  Malowanie domu Wydawnictwo Arkady Warszawa 1997

5 - Wilhide E. Podłogi Wydawnictwo Arkady Warszawa 2000

6 - Masłowski E.,Spiżewska D. Wzmacnianie konstrukcji budowlanych Wydawnictwo Arkady 2000 Dodruk cyfrowy 2008

7 - Pyrak S.,  Michalak H. Domy jednorodzinne.  Arkady, Warszawa 2006

8 - Neufert P: Podręcznik projektowania architektoniczno-budowlanego. Arkady, Warszawa 2010

9 - Korzeniewski W. NOWE Warunki techniczne dla budynków i ich usytuowanie 2014 + Dodatek specjalistyczny Wydawnictwo Polcen Warszawa 2014

10 - Cieślowski S., Krygier K.: Instalacje sanitarne, cz. 1 i 2. WSiP, Warszawa 2000

11 - Hoffmann Z., Lisiczki K.: Instalacje budowlane, WSiP, Warszawa 2006

12 - Popek M., Wapniska B.: O instalacjach sanitarnych najkrócej. WSiP, Warszawa 2006

13 - Praca zbiorowa: Nowoczesne wyposażenie techniczne domu jednorodzinnego- instalacje sanitarne i grzewcze; Wydawnictwo Rolnicze i Leśne, Poznań 2004

Learning outcomes
KnowledgeSkillsSocial competences



















Metody weryfikacji przedmiotowych efektów uczenia się
The weekly number of hours of classes or lectures, the number of ECTS points assigned to the subject and information on the form and completion of the subject are included in the study program and Course Cataloque (information is displayed in Akademus system)

(en)Lista studiów

(en)studia status (en)czas[h] ECTS (en)forma pass
Interior Design s.1 (en)o 60 2 exercise 30h
lecture 30h
exercise [pass with grade]

(en)Semestr 2024/25-WS (en)(Z-zimowy,L-letni)
(en)Kod kursu: #38.26719