(en)Katalog ECTS

Imaging for Media Arts

(en)Pedagog: dr prof. Uczelni Katarzyna Stanny

(en)Pole (en)Opis
Course type Specialization workshop (obligatory)
Didactic methods

1. Creative exercises.
2. Individual projects
3. Lectures introducing the area of the discussed project issue.
4. E-learning as a supplement of corrections.

Language of lecture polski;
Liczba punktów ECTS: (en)-brak-
Liczba godzin w bezpośrednim kontakcie z nauczycielem akademickim (en)-brak-
Liczba godzin samodzielnej pracy studenta związanych z osiągnięciem efektów uczenia się (zgodnie z profilem specyfiki kształcenia na wydziale) (en)-brak-

1. Completed first year of undergraduate studies
2. Awareness of the meaning of definitions of the terms: multimedia and intermedia.
3. Open mind.
4. Self-discipline and efficient pace of tasks execution.

Teaching goals (program content, subject description)

The classes show methods of artistic means searching within the framework of combining the multitude of available media of artistic communication and ways of combining traditional, analog techniques with the most modern methods of digital processing. They allow for deepening the creative awareness and ways of artistic creation within intermedia imaging. As a result of the work with students, all the themes realized in the studio function in the public sphere: in institutions or public events. They are presented and published, and students have the opportunity to appear on the market, which facilitates their future work.


Program topics:


1. Photographic and literary projects with, among others, the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
2. Solving tasks in the area of intermedia by answering questions from areas such as:
- advertising campaigns (scenario, visual development),
- applied design, e.g. poster (Museum of Maria and Jerzy Kuncewicz in Kazimierz Dolny, Zbigniew Seifert International Jazz Violin Competition, Museum of the Earth of the Polish Academy of Sciences), product line (graphic, typographic and color arrangement, e.g. Advertising Agency Fourfour Brand Design)
- advertising spots (script and implementation using any medium, e.g. The International Festival of Ignacy Jan Paderewski and The Museum of Maria and Jerzy Kuncewicz in Kazimierz Dolny spots were made as part of the Multimedia "Book of Life" programme; classic and electronic programme of promoting readership in the Nadwiślańskie Museum)

Additional forms of activities:
1. Visiting exhibitions.
2. Organizing presentations of own exhibitions and other forms of presenting their works.
3. Meetings in external institutions in order to acquire skills of cooperation on the future job market in the field of art and presenting own projects there.

The form of passing the course (assesment methods and criteria)

1. Evaluation of the artistic quality of the work presented.
2. Regularity in work and participation in reviews.
3. Independence in creative work.
4. Assessment of the ability to use own means of expression.
5. Assessment of the effectiveness of translating the acquired knowledge and skills into the final artistic execution presented in the form of a course work.
6. The grading scale is defined by the scoring scale valid at the Faculty of Media Art.
7. The practical Bachelor's thesis is presented in the form of any intermedia realization - its form depends on the subject and the character of realization. The thesis is evaluated in committee by the Supervisor and the Graduation Committee.


Bachelor's thesis.


At the end of semester VI the student takes the diploma exam. B.A. thesis consists of a practical work realized within the framework of one of the two specializations offered at the Faculty of Media Art and a description of the work prepared under the supervision of the supervisor of the B.A. thesis.

Final requirements

1. Passing the exam which concludes the bachelor's education process after the 6th semester
2.Practical bachelor's thesis presented in the form of any intermedia project - its form depends on the topic and character of the project. The thesis is evaluated in committee by the thesis supervisor and the diploma committee.

Compulsory literature used during classes

1. Ambrose Gavin, Harris Paul, Twórcze projektowanie, przeł. Joanna Hübner-Wojciechowska, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 2007.

2. Ambrose Gavin, Harris Paul, Typografia, przeł. Małgorzata Jesionek, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 2008.

3.  Burtenshaw Ken, Mahon Nik, Barfoot Caroline, Kreatywna reklama, przeł. Hanna Król, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 2007.

4.  „2+3 D. Grafika plus produkt”, ogólnopolski kwartalnik projektowy (nr 1-61, 2001-2016).

5. Estetyka wirtualności, redakcja Michał Ostrowicki, wydawnictwo Universitas, Kraków 2005.

6. Historia brzydoty, red Umberto Eco, tłumacze różni, Dom Wydawniczy Rebis, Poznań 2007 (i wydania następne).

7. Historia piękna, red. Umberto Eco, przeł. Agnieszka Kuciak, Dom Wydawniczy Rebis, Poznań 2005 (i wydania następne).

8. Klein Naomi, No logo. Bez przestrzeni, bez wyboru, bez pracy, przeł. Małgorzata Halaba, Hanna Jankowska, Katarzyna Makaruk, Warszawskie Wydawnictwo Literackie Muza, Warszawa 2014 (2016).

9. Manovich Lev, Język nowych mediów, przeł. Piotr Cypryański, Wydawnictwa Akademickie i Profesjonalne, Warszawa 2006.

10. Newark Quentin, Design i grafika dzisiaj, przeł. Paulina Broma, Karolina Broma, ABE Dom wydawniczy, Warszawa 2006

11. Piotrowski Kazimierz, Inc. Sztuka wobec korporacyjnego przejmowania miejsc publicznej ekspresji (w Polsce), Galeria XX : Michel - Studio Reklamowe - Galeria Program, Warszawa 2004.

12. Slack Laura, Czym jest wzornictwo? Podręcznik projektowania, przeł. Paulina Broma, Karolina Broma, ABE Dom wydawniczy. Warszawa 2006.

13. Toscani Oliviero, Reklama, uśmiechnięte ścierwo, przeł. Michał Misiorny, wydawnictwo Delta W-Z, Warszawa 1997.

14. Twemlow Alice, Czemu służy grafika użytkowa?, przekład zbiorowy, ABE Dom wydawniczy, Warszawa 2006.

15. Zeegen Lawrence / Crush, Twórcze ilustrowanie, przeł. Joanna Hübner-Wojciechowska, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 2008.

Additional literature recommended for the student's self learning

as above

Learning outcomes
KnowledgeSkillsSocial competences

Graduates know and understand:

K_W01 Fundamentals of theory, technique and technology of photography, video, animation, sound, intermedia, 3D environments, necessary to solve general issues related to the represented artistic discipline.

K_W05 Interrelations between theoretical and practical aspects of practicing art.

Graduates will be able to:

K_U02 Undertake and complete tasks in the field of virtual space activities, spatial activities, static and moving image activities, visual communication, imaging for media and interactive activities.

K_U04 Selects appropriate implementation technique to achieve pre-planned goals and effects.

K_U06 Is prepared to cooperate with a team in realizing group artistic projects (work in a gallery, cultural and art institutions, film and photographic studios, postproduction companies and in the realization of cultural undertakings), and has the ability to cooperate with a creative and production team in realizing group artistic projects.

K_U10 Understands the mutual relations between the kind of used expression and the message carried by it.

K_U11 Can consciously use traditional and innovative means of artistic imagery.

The graduate is ready to:

K_K05 Be able to organize the basic methodological and creative workshop necessary for the realization of team tasks.

K_K06 To undertake independent, independent work, showing at the same time the ability to collect information, to develop ideas and to formulate critical argumentation, to be internally motivated and to organize one's own workshop.

K_K11 Carry out individual and team tasks, communicating within their own community and demonstrating the ability to use professional terminology in the field of studied specialization.

K_K13 To undertake cooperation with stakeholders present on the labor market.

K_K15 To take up studies of second degree.

Metody weryfikacji przedmiotowych efektów uczenia się
The weekly number of hours of classes or lectures, the number of ECTS points assigned to the subject and information on the form and completion of the subject are included in the study program and Course Cataloque (information is displayed in Akademus system)

(en)Lista studiów

(en)studia status (en)czas[h] ECTS (en)forma pass
Media Art s.3 (en)d 45 3 exercise 45h
exercise [exam]
Media Art s.5 (en)d 45 5 exercise 45h
exercise [exam]
Media Art s.5 (en)d 45 10 exercise 45h
exercise [exam]

(en)Semestr 2024/25-WS (en)(Z-zimowy,L-letni)
(en)Kod kursu: #38.27063