(en)Katalog ECTS

Design (choice)

(en)Pedagog: prof. Bartosz Piotrowski

(en)Pole (en)Opis
Didactic methods

Teaching methods (form of classes)
- individual projects
- collective projects
- consultations on project work, discussion and didactic dialogue


Language of lecture polski;
Liczba punktów ECTS: (en)-brak-
Liczba godzin w bezpośrednim kontakcie z nauczycielem akademickim (en)-brak-
Liczba godzin samodzielnej pracy studenta związanych z osiągnięciem efektów uczenia się (zgodnie z profilem specyfiki kształcenia na wydziale) (en)-brak-

- knowledge of basic concepts in the field of design;
- matching relationships between form, function and construction of objects;
- knowledge of the basic principles of ergonomics
- knowledge of basic industrial technologies;
- knowledge of technical drawing;
- three-dimensional modeling skills;
- positive passing of the second year

Teaching goals (program content, subject description)

Aim of the course
Based on project exercises, preparing the student to implement and run design projects as part of the needs and practices that currently exist in real market conditions. Understanding the role and place of design in shaping and implementation of the product implementation process in industry, with special regard to the current conditions of the Polish market

The form of passing the course (assesment methods and criteria)

Evaluation criteria
- evaluation of the artistic and technical level of the design solution;
- assessment of the degree of innovation in the design solution;
- completeness of the planned project process and maintenance of deadlines set for the individual stages or checkpoints
- compliance with the adopted assumptions
- assessment of final applications
- assessment of the quality of the project presentation, which consists of a graphic representation of the concept on the boards, model execution and a lecture combined with a multimedia presentation;
- assessment of the degree of involvement in the implementation of the project and the ability to effectively translate the indications and guidelines obtained in the course of education, as a result of discussion and didactic dialogue (master-student relationship);
- periodic inspections - 10%
- project development presented during corrections - 40%
- final project presentation - 50%

Final requirements

Final requirements
Implementation of the project in accordance with the adopted assumptions. Presentation before the Faculty Commission should include: boards presenting the solution, scale models or prototypes (depending on the topic), project documentation in the form of sketches, visualizations and models, and a multimedia presentation showing the assumptions, design process and final solution

Compulsory literature used during classes

Język rzeczy Deyan Sudjic, Karaktter 2013

Jony Ive Leander Kahney, Insignis 2014

Kreatywność S.A. Ed Catmull, MT Biznes sp. z o.o. 2015

Design Management Bochińska, Ginalski, Mamica, Wojciechowska, IWP 2010

Additional literature recommended for the student's self learning

Polish Design: UNCUT, Czesława Frejlich, Dominik Liski, Instytut Adama Mickiewicza 2013 (zamiennie: Rzeczy Niepospolite tych samych autorów).

Design. Historia projektowania, Charlotte I Peter Fiell, Arkady 2015

Learning outcomes
KnowledgeSkillsSocial competences

After completing the first-cycle (undergraduate) studies, the graduate should:
- Have knowledge of the methodology of product design and visual communication needed to implement your own projects, taking into account the specifics and differences in the design of objects, space and visual communication (K1_W01);
- Have knowledge of the basic art workshop in the field of visual arts and design (K1_W02);
- Understand the impact of technology, use and market conditions on the form of the proposed item, space or message. (K1_W04);
- Have knowledge of technology, construction and materials used to manufacture products (K1_W05);
- Have basic knowledge about the functioning of the market (K1_W09);
- Have knowledge about ecology and ecological design strategies (K1_W11);
- To know the connections between theoretical issues of the profession of a designer and his practice (K1_W17);
Have knowledge about the components of the design process (K1_W01) (K1_W02) (K1_W04) (K1_W05) (K1_W09)

After completing the first-cycle (undergraduate) studies, the graduate should:
- Be able to create and implement own design and artistic concepts, achieving intended aesthetic, usable, technical and commercial goals based on self-constructed design assumptions (K1_U01);
- Free integration of the problems of form, construction and use in the designed object produced in a repeatable manner (K1_U01);
- Be able to use the proper elements of design and artistic workshop in the field of product design and visual communication (K1_U02);
- Be able to make independent decisions when implementing your own projects in the field of product design and visual communication (K1_U03);
- Be able to interact and work with other people as part of team work (K1_U04);
- Be able to use freely the basic materials and technologies necessary to produce products and space equipment (K1_U05);
- Be able to design solutions in accordance with the principles of ergonomics as well as design the process of use of the object and reflect the programmed functions in its form (K1_U07);
- Be able to design solutions in accordance with the principles of ecological design strategies (K1_U08);
- Be able to perform dimensional and imitative models in technologies using modeling foam, gypsum, wood, metal, plastics, 3D printing (K1_U09);
- Be able to apply presentation techniques in practice, including multimedia techniques using appropriate computer software (K1_U10);
- To be able to put into practice the knowledge of financial, marketing, legal and ethical aspects of running a professional practice of a designer (K1_U11);
- Sculptively shape three-dimensional objects using consciously elements of artistic language such as: composition, contrast, rhythm, color, texture, chiaroscuro, etc. Be able to analyze the impact of material and technology used on the shape of the object (K1_U13);
- Master professional improvement techniques that enable development through independent work (K1_U14);
- Have the skills of creative and innovative implementation of projects and projects (K1_U15);
- Be able to prepare professional presentations and be able to present their own projects in public (K1_U18)

competences (attitudes)
After completing the first-cycle (undergraduate) studies, the graduate should:
- Be able to prepare professional presentations and be able to present their own projects in public (K1_K01);
- To be able and internally motivated to independently undertake project work and to organize own work (K1_K02, K1_K03, K1_K04);
- Be able to communicate in a social way as part of team work and to critically approach the existing situation and actions of their own and others (K1_K06, K1_K07, K1_K08);
- Be sensitive to aspects related to environmental protection, the needs of people with disabilities and socially excluded and act in accordance with the principles of ethics in the profession of designer (K1_K02)

Metody weryfikacji przedmiotowych efektów uczenia się
The weekly number of hours of classes or lectures, the number of ECTS points assigned to the subject and information on the form and completion of the subject are included in the study program and Course Cataloque (information is displayed in Akademus system)

(en)Lista studiów

(en)studia status (en)czas[h] ECTS (en)forma pass
Design / product and visual communication design s.5 (en)d 120 8 exercise 120h
exercise [exam]
exercise [pass]

(en)Semestr 2024/25-WS (en)(Z-zimowy,L-letni)
(en)Kod kursu: #38.27173