(en)Katalog ECTS

Design (choice)

(en)Pedagog: prof. Michał Stefanowski

(en)Pole (en)Opis
Course type Compulsory major (Guided Content Group)
Didactic methods

monographic lectures (guests)
individual projects
group projects
discussion and didactic dialogue

remote contacts using electronic tools

Language of lecture polski;
Liczba punktów ECTS: 8
Liczba godzin w bezpośrednim kontakcie z nauczycielem akademickim 120
Liczba godzin samodzielnej pracy studenta związanych z osiągnięciem efektów uczenia się (zgodnie z profilem specyfiki kształcenia na wydziale) 80-120

knowledge of basic design concepts;
associating relationships between form, function, and design of objects;
knowledge of basic industrial technology;
knowledge of technical drawing;
three-dimensional modeling skills;
successful completion of the second year;

Teaching goals (program content, subject description)

Two design topics are pursued in semesters V, VI, and VII (if the studio is not pursuing an undergraduate degree in semester VII):

Extended research topic - defined in an open way, allowing free interpretation of the problem. The realization of this theme is dependent on the student's interests, related to his/her own concept of shaping the design experience. There is considerable freedom in choosing the area of design, with an emphasis on designing: everyday objects, furniture, elements of public space equipment, toys, educational objects, equipment for the disabled, vehicles, etc. The method of presentation of the project is determined individually, depending on its specificity.

Simpler design task - opening students to unusual situations and situations and experiences. The task is aimed at stimulating an innovative approach, searching for interesting, unconventional solutions concerning utility aspects, material or technology.

In semester VII (if the undergraduate diploma is being done in the studio in semester VII)) only the undergraduate diploma project is carried out.

The form of passing the course (assesment methods and criteria)

evaluation of the artistic and technical level of the design solution;
evaluation of the degree of innovation of the design solution;
evaluation of the quality of the presentation of the project, which consists of a graphical representation of the concept on the boards, the implementation of the model and a lecture combined with a multimedia presentation;
evaluation of the degree of involvement in the project and the ability to effectively translate the guidance and guidelines obtained in the course of training, discussions and didactic dialogue (master-student relationship);

Final requirements

For the semester project: execution of the project in accordance with the adopted assumptions. Presentation before the Faculty Committee should include: boards presenting the solution, scale models or prototypes (depending on the topic), design documentation in the form of sketches, visualization and models, and a multimedia presentation showing the assumptions, design process and the final solution.
In the case of a thesis project: execution of an undergraduate project and its public defense. The undergraduate project is to test the ability to design objects conditioned by market, usage, technology and environmental requirements. The bachelor's diploma may be the realization of a project of an object, a piece of space or a message, emphasizing an innovative way of shaping and constructing the designed objects. The project is evaluated by an examination committee whose members sovereignly assign grades for the project. The final grade for the project is the average of the grades awarded by the committee members.
The Bachelor's project is carried out in a selected design studio.

Compulsory literature used during classes (en)-brak-
Additional literature recommended for the student's self learning

J. Ginalski, M. Liskiewicz, J. Seweryn, „Rozwój nowego produktu”, ASP w Krakowie, 1994
Wally Olins „O marce”, Instytut Marki Polskiej, 2004
Richard Morris „Projektowanie produktu”, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 2009
Bill Stewart „Projektowanie opakowań”, PWN, 2009
Charlotte and Peter Fiell „Design Handbook”, Taschen Deutschland GmbH, 2006
Kathryn Best „Design Management”, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 2009
Tom Kelley, Jonathan Littman „Sztuka Innowacji”, MT Biznes, 2009
Malcolm Gladwell „Poza schematem” , Znak , 2009
Cuffaro, Blackman, Covert, Paige, Nehez-Cuffaro, Laituri, Sears „Industrial Design, Reference + Specification Book”, Rockport Publishers, 2013
Jiri Pelcl and team „Design, From Idea to Realization”, AAAD in Prague, 2012

Learning outcomes
KnowledgeSkillsSocial competences

Upon completion of the course, the student knows and understands:

- basic principles concerning design methodology needed to realize own projects; (K_W01);

- basic concepts related to plastic arts workshop in the field of art and design; (K_W02);

- influence of technology, usage and market conditions on the form of a designed object (K_W04);

- basic principles of ergonomics and psychological effects of products (K_W05);

- basic principles of ecology and ecological design strategies (K_W06);

- basic principles of preparing presentations of own projects (K_W08);

- basic issues concerning financial, marketing, legal and ethical aspects of running professional practice of a designer (K_W10);

Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:

- create and realize their own design and artistic concepts, achieving intended aesthetic, utilitarian, technical and commercial goals(K_U01);

- use adequate elements of design and artistic workshop in designing (K_U02)

- cooperate and work with others in a team (K_U03)

- use freely in designing basic materials and technologies necessary for manufacturing designed objects (K_U04)

- design solutions compliant with ergonomic principles and basic psychology principles (K_U05)

- apply principles of ecological design strategies (K_U06);

- create flat compositions and sculpt three-dimensional objects using consciously elements of the visual language such as: composition, contrast, rhythm, color, texture, chiaroscuro, etc. (K_U07); design solutions compliant with the principles of ergonomics and basic psychology (K_U05); apply the principles of ecological design strategies (K_U06) (K_U07);

- prepare a professional presentation and present own projects in public (K_U09);

Upon completion of the course, the student is ready to:

- continuous self-education in the area of the design profession (K_K01);

- independently analyze and interpret information, develop ideas, prepare documentation and presentations (K_K02)

- appropriately organize their own work (K_K03);

- adapt to new circumstances and control their own behavior to the extent allowing public presentations (K_K04)

- social communication within teamwork, in particular: cooperation, negotiation, collaboration, presentation of own views and accepting others' views (K_K05);

- consciously apply and enforce legal regulations concerning protection of intellectual property within the framework of own design and artistic activity (K_K06)

- respect the principles of sustainable development of the world (K_K07);

Metody weryfikacji przedmiotowych efektów uczenia się

Przygotowanie i obrona projektów w czasie publicznej prezentacji.

Przygotowanie i obrona projektów w czasie publicznej prezentacji.

Przygotowanie i obrona projektów w czasie publicznej prezentacji.

The weekly number of hours of classes or lectures, the number of ECTS points assigned to the subject and information on the form and completion of the subject are included in the study program and Course Cataloque (information is displayed in Akademus system)

(en)Lista studiów

(en)studia status (en)czas[h] ECTS (en)forma pass
Design / product and visual communication design s.5 (en)d 120 8 exercise 120h
exercise [exam]
exercise [pass]

(en)Semestr 2024/25-WS (en)(Z-zimowy,L-letni)
(en)Kod kursu: #38.27176