(en)Katalog ECTS

Editorial graphics

(en)Pedagog: dr Marek Knap

(en)Pole (en)Opis
Course type Optional classes for 3rd and 4th year students of the full-time Master's course. Supervision over appendices for diploma projects of 5th year students of Prof. Lech Majewski's Poster and Publishing Graphics Studio and Prof. Maciej Buszewicz's Book and Digital Publication Design Studio.
Didactic methods

problem-based lectures 6 hrs (stationary and remote)

monographic and conversational lectures 3 hours (stationary and remote)



studio classes

individual/collective correction (stationary and remote)

Language of lecture polski;
Liczba punktów ECTS: (en)-brak-
Liczba godzin w bezpośrednim kontakcie z nauczycielem akademickim (en)-brak-
Liczba godzin samodzielnej pracy studenta związanych z osiągnięciem efektów uczenia się (zgodnie z profilem specyfiki kształcenia na wydziale) (en)-brak-

knowledge of Adobe package: InDesign, Photoshop + After Effects + XD (or Sketch)

handling photo/video equipment

sound recording + transcription of audio files

Teaching goals (program content, subject description)

This class presents formal, perceptual, symbolic and technical aspects of visual communication - with a focus on editorial media. Classes provide an overview of the design communication process including the creative process, terminology and technology.

Particular emphasis is placed on the systemicity of graphic solutions with consideration of how to build modular typographic schemes, infographics, and image handling strategies.

Main objectives:


acquiring the ability to combine words and images in many ways, on many media and formats (the studio program provides the opportunity to expand the knowledge of typography, photography and photo-editing)

acquiring skills in executing and supervising large projects that require a multimedia approach to content gathering

The form of passing the course (assesment methods and criteria)

graded credit

1 ECTS credit

Final requirements

ability to integrate fluid, multi-layered content into the space-time continuum of complex, multi-sheet publishing forms in print and electronic media

ability to select and thoughtfully apply a range of tools in visual research and subsequent design activities, including the area of data visualization

knowledge of the methodology of artistic supervision of editorial team projects

in-depth knowledge of current standards in media content management

Compulsory literature used during classes
  • James Felici „Kompletny przewodnik po typografii. Zasady doskonałego składania tekstu”, 2006
  • Gavin Ambrose, Paul Harris „Layout. Zasady/kompozycja/zastosowanie”, 2008
  • Josef Müller-Brockmann “Grid Systems in Graphic Design”, 1996
  • Boris Von Brauchitsch „Mała historia fotografii”, 2004
  • Bo Bergstrom „Komunikacja wizualna”, 2009
Additional literature recommended for the student's self learning
  • Adrian Frutiger, „Człowiek i jego znaki”, 2015
Learning outcomes
KnowledgeSkillsSocial competences
  • student gives examples of techniques of artistic creation and supervision
  • student analyzes the anatomy of the Latin alphabet
  • student recognizes the importance of the relationship between content and form
  • student designs a layout as a systematic carrier of fluid editorial content
  • student integrates the means of graphic language (words and images) into the layout.
  • student is competent in analyzing a work of art
  • student accepts multidisciplinarity and remains open to the physicality of the design process
  • student expresses his/her opinions independently and boldly, also on topics related to plastic arts
  • student works in a team / takes managerial positions in a team
Metody weryfikacji przedmiotowych efektów uczenia się
The weekly number of hours of classes or lectures, the number of ECTS points assigned to the subject and information on the form and completion of the subject are included in the study program and Course Cataloque (information is displayed in Akademus system)

(en)Lista studiów

(en)studia status (en)czas[h] ECTS (en)forma pass
Graphic Arts s.7 (en)d 60 1 exercise 60h
exercise [pass with grade]

(en)Semestr 2024/25-WS (en)(Z-zimowy,L-letni)
(en)Kod kursu: #38.27651