(en)Pole | (en)Opis | ||||||
Course type | major | ||||||
Didactic methods |
-Discussion lecture with elements of discussion |
Language of lecture | polski; | ||||||
Liczba punktów ECTS: | 7 | ||||||
Liczba godzin w bezpośrednim kontakcie z nauczycielem akademickim | 150 godz./sem. 10 godz. zajęć tygodniowo, w tym 3 godz. wykładowe + 7 godz. ćwiczeń. Dr hab. prof. ASP Rafał Kowalski wt. 14.00-17.00 czw. 14.00-18.00 | ||||||
Liczba godzin samodzielnej pracy studenta związanych z osiągnięciem efektów uczenia się (zgodnie z profilem specyfiki kształcenia na wydziale) | 8 godz. / sem., w tym: realizacja projektu indywidualnego, przygotowanie materiałów do zajęć, zapoznanie się z literaturą. | ||||||
Prerequisites |
-Completion of the third year of studies in painting |
Teaching goals (program content, subject description) |
The drawing studio is a place where the student develops manual skills and gains artistic experience during classes. He/she enriches sensitivity, imagination and workshop proficiency by practicing observation of nature and realizing thematic tasks. In this way, the student learns independent thinking, making decisions in the difficult art of selection and drawing conclusions in the choice of technique, theme and formal development of his/her own drawing concept. The aim is to prepare the student for independent work in the broadly understood space of culture and art, and in particular to provide him/her with adequate technical, technological and intellectual resources necessary for the realization of his/her own drawing works and artistic visions. It will also enable the student to undertake complex projects based on the combination of formal perfection and independently developed, original concepts, to prepare exhibitions, but also the ability to work in a team during the realization of activities which, due to their social and moral context, require the student to maintain high standards, honesty and reliability of execution, conscientiousness, acting in accordance with the work ethos, the binding legal and ethical order and responsibility for artistic decisions taken. |
The form of passing the course (assesment methods and criteria) |
-Assessment is subject to participation and involvement in classes, the number of works created, the artistic and technical quality of work
Final requirements |
-Creation of the author's set of drawing works being the effect of the studio exercises carried out during the classes and the realization of the series of works on the assigned topic or creative exercises made independently at home and their public presentation containing an oral description of the artistic assumptions during the corrections and reviews as well as during the final year exhibition
Compulsory literature used during classes |
"Anatomia dla artystów", J. Barcsay, ZNIO, 1988 "Teoria widzenia", W. Strzemiński, MS w Łodzi, 2016 "Zasady rysunku realistycznego", R. Gill, Galaktyka, 1997 "Anamorfozy", J. Baltrusaitis, Słowo/Obraz terytoria, 2009 |
Additional literature recommended for the student's self learning |
"Studia z historii sztuki", E. Panofsky, PIW, 1971 "Vitamin D. New Perspectives in drawing", Phaidon, 2016 "Trzy spotkania ze światem widzialnym", A. Ligocki, WP, 1967 "Krótka historia cienia", V. I. Stoichita, Universitas, 2001 |
Learning outcomes |
Metody weryfikacji przedmiotowych efektów uczenia się |
The weekly number of hours of classes or lectures, the number of ECTS points assigned to the subject and information on the form and completion of the subject are included in the study program and Course Cataloque (information is displayed in Akademus system) |
(en)studia | status | (en)czas[h] | ECTS | (en)forma | pass |
Painting / painting s.8 | (en)d | 150 | 7 |
lecture 150h exercise 150h |
[pass/exam] |