(en)Katalog ECTS


(en)Pedagog: mgr inż. arch. Anna Siwek

(en)Pole (en)Opis
Course type


Didactic methods

Lecture course, didactic dialogue, multimedia presentation, workshop exercises, outdoor.

Language of lecture polski;
Liczba punktów ECTS: (en)-brak-
Liczba godzin w bezpośrednim kontakcie z nauczycielem akademickim (en)-brak-
Liczba godzin samodzielnej pracy studenta związanych z osiągnięciem efektów uczenia się (zgodnie z profilem specyfiki kształcenia na wydziale) (en)-brak-

Passing the entrance examination for the first year. Knowledge in the field of physics, geology, chemistry, mathematics and biology at the high school level.

Teaching goals (program content, subject description)

The curriculum aims to:
• familiarization with available and applicable construction solutions and materials
• gaining knowledge on the technical means to achieve the intended spatial and aesthetic effects
• acquiring the ability to correctly develop technical drawings.

Program content:
- architecture as a field of art and technology; the specifics of the architect's design work; basic concepts in the field of construction;
- the influence of the natural and cultural environment on the building;
- building construction principles - mechanics and building physics;
- building materials and their features - stone, ceramics, concrete, reinforced concrete, steel, wood, insulation materials;
- basic physics of the building;
- connection systems and structural fastenings - bolts, screws, anchors, strut and glued, welding, soldering, gluing, fasteners;
- basic information on fire protection and prevention of biological corrosion;
- trips, proofreading drawings, consultations;
- structural structures - foundations, monolithic and brick walls, lintels, ceilings, roofs and flat roofs;
- ventilation, smoke and exhaust ducts and chimneys;
- stairs - types. requirements, inclinations; design algorithm; ramps, elevators;
- interior design in old buildings - basic reconstruction problems;
- materials and construction systems in monumental construction;
- sanitary installations - water supply, sewage, heating, ventilation and air conditioning, electrical installations, alarm and special installations;
- partition walls;
- wooden, ceramic floors, floor coverings; wall cladding;
- insulation of hygienic and sanitary rooms;
- internal plasters, wallpaper;
- suspended ceilings;
- raised floors, sandwich panels;
- windows and doors, joinery, locksmith;
- painting;
- adaptation of existing interiors to the needs of disabled people - on the example of a bathroom in an apartment.

The form of passing the course (assesment methods and criteria)

Assessment of the level of knowledge - based on the colloquium,
assessment of skills based on individual drawings made and presented,
- according to the scale of assessments included in the Study Regulations

Final requirements

Knowledge in the field of:
- basic concepts concerning the part and structure of the building and knowledge of the building materials used
- learning about selected building regulations and Polish Standards
- describing the principles of constructing and securing buildings
- comparison of possible methods of finishing works in buildings, with particular consideration of interiors with various functions and with different finishing standards
- getting to know the applied installations in buildings
- the correct choice of material as a component of the interior design
- designing technical solutions as part of a comprehensive interior design
- preparation of technical drawings
- searching for solutions in the field of related fields - eg designing structures for use in your own work or presenting suggestions for installation in a facility
- available construction technologies

Compulsory literature used during classes

1 - BUDOWNICTWO OGÓLNE : praca zbiorowa. T. 1, Materiały i wyroby budowlane, Bogusław Stefańczyk (Red.), Wydawnictwo Arkady 2010
2 - BUDOWNICTWO OGÓLNE : praca zbiorowa. T. 2, Fizyka budowli, Piotr Klemm (Red.), Wydawnictwo Arkady 2010
3 - BUDOWNICTWO OGÓLNE : praca zbiorowa. T. 3, Elementy budynków - podstawy projektowania, Lech Lichołai (Red.), Wydawnictwo Arkady 2011

4 - BUDOWNICTWO OGÓLNE : praca zbiorowa. T. 4, Konstrukcje budynków, Wiesław Buczkowski (Oprac.), Wydawnictwo Arkady 2010

5 - VADEMECUM BUDOWLANE - praca zbiorowa pod redakcją E. Piliszka, Wydawnictwo Arkady Warszawa 2001


Additional literature recommended for the student's self learning

1 - MATERIAŁY BUDOWLANE Z TECHNOLOGIĄ betonu (tom1/2) - E. Szymański, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Warszawskiej Warszawa 2002
2 - OCHRONA BUDYNKÓW PRZED KOROZJĄ BIOLOGICZNĄ - praca zbiorowa pod redakcją J. Ważnego i J. Karysia , Wydawnictwo Arkady Warszawa 2001 Dodruk cyfrowy 2008
3 -MALOWANIE MIESZKANIA - J. Cassel, P. Parham, Wydawnictwo Arkady Warszawa 1997
4 - MALOWANIE DOMU - J. Cassel, P. Parham, Wydawnictwo Arkady Warszawa 1997
5 - PODŁOGI - E. Wilhide, Wydawnictwo Arkady Warszawa 2000
6 - WZMACNIANIE KONSTRUKCJI BUDOWLANYCH - E. Masłowski, D. Spiżewska, Wydawnictwo Arkady 2000 Dodruk cyfrowy 2008
7 - DOMY JEDNORODZINNE - S. Pyrak, H. Michalak, Arkady, Warszawa 2006
9 - RYSUNEK TECHNICZNY BUDOWLANY - W. Skowroński, E. Miśniakiewicz, Wydawnictwo Arkady Warszawa 2009
10 - NOWE WARUNKI TECHNICZNE DLA BUDYNKÓW I ICH USYTUOWANIE 2014 + Dodatek specjalistyczny - W. Korzeniewski, Wydawnictwo Polcen Warszawa 2014
11 - INSTALACJE SANITARNE, cz. 1 i 2 - S. Cieślowski, K. Krygier,. WSiP, Warszawa 2000
12 - INSTALACJE BUDOWLANE - Z. Hoffmann, K. Lisiczki, WSiP, Warszawa 2006
13 - O INSTALACJACH SANITARNYCH NAJKRÓCEJ - M. Popek, B. Wapniska,. WSiP, Warszawa 2006

Learning outcomes
KnowledgeSkillsSocial competences

K_W01 - to an advanced degree - selected facts, objects and phenomena as well as their methods and theories explaining the complex relationships between them, constituting basic general knowledge in the field of artistic design art, creating theoretical foundations and selected issues in the field of detailed knowledge relevant to the curriculum;
K_W03 - the basic scope of issues related to construction, execution techniques, materials science, and other specialist issues relevant to interior design, appropriate for the selected specialty;
K_W08 - problems related to technologies used in the artistic discipline of design art (in the overall approach) and technological development related to the selected specialty;
K_W09 - connections and dependencies between theoretical and practical elements of the education program; connections and dependencies between theoretical and practical elements related to the designer's work; in this he understands the relationship between plastic form, functional conditions and selected technical solutions used in the implementation of the designed space / facility;

K_U01 - use your knowledge, formulate and solve complex and unusual problems and innovatively perform tasks in unpredictable conditions through: proper selection of sources and information from them, evaluation, critical analysis, synthesis and creative interpretation and presentation of this information; selection and application of appropriate methods and tools, including advanced information and communication techniques (ICT).
K_U02 - communicate using specialized terminology, take part in the debate - present and evaluate various opinions and positions and discuss about them;
K_U03 - plan and organize individual and team work;
K_U04 - independently plan and implement your own lifelong learning;
K_U05 - create and implement own artistic concepts and have the skills needed to express them;
K_U07 - carry out an analysis of the cultural, spatial, functional and technical context of the place / object being the subject of the project under development;
K_U08 - consciously conduct an uncomplicated project process, also of an interdisciplinary nature;
K_U10 - consciously use the skills of the workshop enabling creative and effective carrying out the design process and clear development of the presentation of the project using traditional techniques and computer techniques at a basic level;
K_U14 - use forms of behavior related to public presentations of own achievements.

K_K01 - critical assessment of possessed knowledge, recognition of the importance of knowledge in solving cognitive and practical problems;
K_K03 - responsible performing of professional roles, including: observing the rules of professional ethics and requirements from others and caring for profession's achievements and traditions;
K_K04 - lifelong learning, independent independent work, demonstrating the ability to collect, analyze and interpret information, develop ideas and formulate critical arguments, and internal motivation and ability to organize work;
K_K05 - effective use of imagination, intuition, emotionality, ability
creative thinking and creative work while solving problems; use flexible thinking, adapt to new and changing circumstances, and control your behavior in conditions related to public presentations;
K_K06 - self-assessment and constructive criticism in relation to the actions of other people;

Metody weryfikacji przedmiotowych efektów uczenia się
The weekly number of hours of classes or lectures, the number of ECTS points assigned to the subject and information on the form and completion of the subject are included in the study program and Course Cataloque (information is displayed in Akademus system)

(en)Lista studiów

(en)studia status (en)czas[h] ECTS (en)forma pass
Interior Design s.2 (en)o 60 2 exercise 60h
exercise [pass with grade]

(en)Semestr 2018/19-SS (en)(Z-zimowy,L-letni)
(en)Kod kursu: #38.7322