(en)Przedmiot | (en)Rodzaj zajęć dydaktycznych |
(en)Obowiązkowe/ Wybór |
(en)Prowadzący | (en)Czas [h] |
(en)ECTS [pkt.] |
(en)Zaliczenie | Sylabus | |
wykład konwersatoryjny do wyboru | ECTS: 2 (en)ilość: 1 | |||||||
Anthropology of Image |
conv.lecture (choice) 30h |
(en)d | dr Adam Czyżewski | 30 | 2 |
lecture (choice)
[pass with grade] |
sylabus | |
Contemporary Art&Theory |
conv.lecture (choice) 30h |
(en)d | dr Ewa Bobrowska | 30 | 2 |
conv.lecture (choice)
[pass with grade] |
sylabus | |
Photography in Relation to Intermedia |
conv.lecture (choice) 30h |
(en)d | dr hab. Zbigniew Tomaszczuk | 30 | 2 |
conv.lecture (choice)
[pass with grade] |
sylabus | |
Iconography and iconology |
lecture (choice) 30h |
(en)d | dr Marcin Zgliński | 30 | 2 |
lecture (choice)
[pass with grade] |
sylabus | |
Different perspective. The expanded field of 20th and 21st century art |
lecture (choice) 30h |
(en)d | dr Katarzyna Urbańska | 30 | 2 |
lecture (choice)
[pass with grade] |
sylabus | |
Na peryferiach sztuki |
conv.lecture (choice) 30h |
(en)d | dr Anna Wiszniewska | 30 | 2 |
[pass with grade] |
sylabus | |
Images, pictures and media |
conv.lecture (choice) 30h |
(en)d | dr hab. Monika Murawska, prof. uczelni | 30 | 2 |
conv.lecture (choice)
[pass with grade] |
sylabus | |
Entrepreneurship study |
conv.lecture (choice) 30h |
(en)d | mgr Magdalena Sołtys | 30 | 2 |
conv.lecture (choice)
[pass with grade] |
sylabus | |
Theater and related arts |
conv.lecture (choice) 30h |
(en)d | dr Kamil Kopania | 30 | 2 |
conv.lecture (choice)
[pass with grade] |
sylabus | |
Wokół interpretacji sztuki |
conv.lecture (choice) 30h |
(en)d | dr Piotr Teodorczuk | 30 | 2 |
conv.lecture (choice)
[pass with grade] |
sylabus | |
Przedmioty artystyczne | ECTS: 5 (en)ilość: 1 | |||||||
Painting and drawing |
exercise 120h |
(en)d | dr Mikołaj Chylak | 120 | 5 |
[exam] exercise [pass] |
sylabus | |
Painting and drawing |
exercise 120h |
(en)d | 120 | 5 |
[exam] exercise [pass] |
sylabus | ||
Sculpture and multimedia workroom |
exercise 120h |
(en)d | dr Cezary Koczwarski | 120 | 5 |
[exam] exercise [pass] |
sylabus | |
Permanent Art Studio |
exercise 120h |
(en)d | Zofia Kwasieborska Keller | 120 | 5 |
[exam] exercise [pass] |
sylabus | |
(en)bez grupy / (en)obowiązkowe | ||||||||
Architecture and town planning from the 19th to the 21th century |
lecture 30h |
(en)o | dr Filip Burno | 30 | 2 |
[pass with grade] |
sylabus | |
Digital documentation |
exercise 1h |
(en)o | Anna Palacz-Brzezińska | 1 | - |
[pass] |
sylabus | |
History and theory of fashion |
lecture 30h |
(en)o | dr Aleksandra Jatczak-Repeć | 30 | 2 |
[exam] lecture [pass] |
sylabus | |
Sewing workshop |
exercise 60h |
(en)o | Agnieszka Kacperska-Gałązka | 60 | 2 |
[pass with grade] |
sylabus | |
Theoretical practices and critical design - introduction to the performance of theory |
lecture exercise 60h |
(en)o | dr Janusz Noniewicz | 60 | 4 |
[exam] lecture exercise [pass] |
sylabus | |
Collection design |
exercise 120h |
(en)o | Manon Kundig | 120 | 8 |
[exam] exercise [pass] |
sylabus | |
Design in Poland |
lecture 30h |
(en)o | dr Krystyna Łuczak-Surówka | 30 | 2 |
[pass with grade] |
sylabus | |
Technology and construction of garments |
exercise 60h |
(en)o | Katarzyna Koperczak | 60 | 3 |
[pass with grade] |
sylabus | |
(en)Razem: | 541 | 30 | ||||||
Przedmioty artystyczne | ECTS: 5 (en)ilość: 1 | |||||||
Composition of Spheres and Planes |
exercise 120h |
(en)d | dr Antonina Konopelska | 120 | 5 |
[exam] exercise [pass] |
sylabus | |
Painting and drawing |
exercise 120h |
(en)d | dr Mikołaj Chylak | 120 | 5 |
[exam] exercise [pass] |
sylabus | |
Guest workshop |
exercise 120h |
(en)d | 120 | 5 |
[exam] exercise [pass] |
sylabus | ||
Sculpture |
exercise 120h |
(en)d | dr Cezary Koczwarski | 120 | 5 |
[exam] exercise [pass] |
sylabus | |
Permanent Art Studio |
exercise 120h |
(en)d | Zofia Kwasieborska Keller | 120 | 5 |
[exam] exercise [pass] |
sylabus | |
Proseminarium Katedry Mody | ECTS: 2 (en)ilość: 1 | |||||||
Proseminarium Katedry Mody Historia i teoria mody |
lecture 30h |
(en)d | dr Aleksandra Jatczak-Repeć | 30 | 4 |
[exam] lecture [pass] |
sylabus | |
Proseminarium Katedry Mody Projektowanie graficzne |
lecture 30h |
(en)d | dr Dominika Wirkowska | 30 | 4 |
[exam] lecture [pass] |
sylabus | |
Proseminar of Fashion Department: fashion design |
lecture 30h |
(en)d | dr Janusz Noniewicz | 30 | 4 |
[exam] lecture [pass] |
sylabus | |
Proseminar of Fashion Department: drawing |
exercise 30h |
(en)d | dr hab. Agnieszka Rożnowska-Jasiewicz | 30 | 4 |
[exam] lecture [pass] |
sylabus | |
Proseminar of Fashion Department: technology and construction |
lecture 30h |
(en)d | Katarzyna Koperczak | 30 | 4 |
[exam] lecture [pass] |
sylabus | |
Wykład do wyboru | ECTS: 2 (en)ilość: 1 | |||||||
Architektki i budowniczynie. Historie powszechne i mniej znane |
conv.lecture (choice) 30h |
(en)d | dr Katarzyna Uchowicz | 30 | 2 |
conv.lecture (choice)
[pass with grade] |
sylabus | |
Early modern Atlantic |
lecture 30h |
(en)d | dr Ewa Kociszewska | 30 | 2 |
[exam] |
sylabus | |
Contemporary Art&Theory |
conv.lecture (choice) 30h |
(en)d | dr Ewa Bobrowska | 30 | 2 |
conv.lecture (choice)
[pass with grade] |
sylabus | |
Estetyka, człowiek, sztuka. |
conv.lecture (choice) 30h |
(en)d | dr Piotr Teodorczuk | 30 | 2 |
conv.lecture (choice)
[pass with grade] |
sylabus | |
Herstoria sztuki |
conv.lecture (choice) 2h |
(en)d | dr Katarzyna Urbańska | 2 | 2 |
conv.lecture (choice)
[pass with grade] |
sylabus | |
Historia sztuki nowożytnej w Polsce |
conv.lecture (choice) 30h |
(en)d | dr Marcin Zgliński | 30 | 2 |
conv.lecture (choice)
[pass with grade] |
sylabus | |
Homo Ludens in the Age of MMO. Introduction to History and Theory of Games |
lecture 30h |
(en)d | dr hab. Jan Sowa | 30 | 2 |
[exam] |
sylabus | |
Art in public space |
conv.lecture (choice) 30h |
(en)d | dr hab. Katarzyna Chrudzimska-Uhera | 30 | 2 |
conv.lecture (choice)
[pass with grade] |
sylabus | |
Tischnera myślenie w żywiole piękna |
conv.lecture (choice) 30h |
(en)d | dr Piotr Teodorczuk | 30 | 2 |
conv.lecture (choice)
[pass with grade] |
sylabus | |
(en)bez grupy / (en)obowiązkowe | ||||||||
Digital documentation |
exercise 1h |
(en)o | Anna Palacz-Brzezińska | 1 | - |
[pass] |
sylabus | |
Tailoring |
exercise 60h |
(en)o | Agnieszka Kacperska-Gałązka | 60 | 2 |
[exam] exercise [pass] |
sylabus | |
Collection design |
exercise 120h |
(en)o | Manon Kundig | 120 | 8 |
[exam] exercise [pass] |
sylabus | |
Design in Poland |
lecture 30h |
(en)o | dr Krystyna Łuczak-Surówka | 30 | 2 |
[exam] |
sylabus | |
Technology and construction of garments |
exercise 60h |
(en)o | Katarzyna Koperczak | 60 | 3 |
[exam] exercise [pass] |
sylabus | |
(en)Razem: | 451 | 24 | ||||||
Projektowanie (dyplom licencjacki) | ECTS: 25 (en)ilość: 1 | |||||||
Fashion design - diploma |
exercise 120h |
(en)o | Manon Kundig | 120 | 25 |
[exam] exercise [pass] |
sylabus | |
Fashion design - diploma |
exercise 120h |
(en)o | Marcel Sommer | 120 | 25 |
[exam] exercise [pass] |
sylabus | |
Fashion design - diploma |
exercise 120h |
(en)o | Zuzanna Srebrna | 120 | 25 |
[exam] exercise [pass] |
sylabus | |
Fashion design - diploma |
exercise 120h |
(en)o | dr Krzysztof Skorupka | 120 | 25 |
[exam] exercise [pass] |
sylabus | |
konwersatorium do wyboru | ECTS: 3 (en)ilość: 1 | |||||||
The use of text |
seminar 30h |
(en)d | prof. Bogna Burska | 30 | 3 |
[pass with grade] |
sylabus | |
Art herstoriers, women’s histories |
seminar 30h |
(en)d | dr hab. Luiza Nader | 30 | 3 |
[pass with grade] |
sylabus | |
Komizm - teoria i analiza zjawiska |
seminar 30h |
(en)d | dr Piotr Teodorczuk | 30 | 3 |
[pass with grade] |
sylabus | |
Critique - emanciptation - progress. Introduction to critical theory. |
exercise 30h |
(en)d | dr hab. Jan Sowa | 30 | 3 |
[pass with grade] |
sylabus | |
Fashion of XX Century |
seminar 30h |
(en)d | dr Aleksandra Jatczak-Repeć | 30 | 3 |
[exam] seminar [pass] |
sylabus | |
Nature and art |
seminar 30h |
(en)d | dr Anna Oleńska | 30 | 3 |
[pass with grade] |
sylabus | |
seminar 30h |
(en)d | dr Olaf Kwapis | 30 | 3 |
[pass with grade] |
sylabus | ||
Art and Climate Change |
seminar 30h |
(en)d | dr Diana Lelonek | 30 | 3 |
[pass with grade] |
sylabus | |
Authority and memory |
seminar 30h |
(en)d | dr Marcin Zgliński | 30 | 3 |
[pass with grade] |
sylabus | |
Smell and olfaction in art history |
seminar 30h |
(en)d | dr Ewa Kociszewska | 30 | 3 |
[pass with grade] |
sylabus | |
wykład konwersatoryjny do wyboru | ECTS: 2 (en)ilość: 1 | |||||||
Anthropology of Image |
conv.lecture (choice) 30h |
(en)d | dr Adam Czyżewski | 30 | 2 |
lecture (choice)
[pass with grade] |
sylabus | |
Contemporary Art&Theory |
conv.lecture (choice) 30h |
(en)d | dr Ewa Bobrowska | 30 | 2 |
conv.lecture (choice)
[pass with grade] |
sylabus | |
Photography in Relation to Intermedia |
conv.lecture (choice) 30h |
(en)d | dr hab. Zbigniew Tomaszczuk | 30 | 2 |
conv.lecture (choice)
[pass with grade] |
sylabus | |
Iconography and iconology |
lecture (choice) 30h |
(en)d | dr Marcin Zgliński | 30 | 2 |
lecture (choice)
[pass with grade] |
sylabus | |
Different perspective. The expanded field of 20th and 21st century art |
lecture (choice) 30h |
(en)d | dr Katarzyna Urbańska | 30 | 2 |
lecture (choice)
[pass with grade] |
sylabus | |
Na peryferiach sztuki |
conv.lecture (choice) 30h |
(en)d | dr Anna Wiszniewska | 30 | 2 |
[pass with grade] |
sylabus | |
Images, pictures and media |
conv.lecture (choice) 30h |
(en)d | dr hab. Monika Murawska, prof. uczelni | 30 | 2 |
conv.lecture (choice)
[pass with grade] |
sylabus | |
Entrepreneurship study |
conv.lecture (choice) 30h |
(en)d | mgr Magdalena Sołtys | 30 | 2 |
conv.lecture (choice)
[pass with grade] |
sylabus | |
Theater and related arts |
conv.lecture (choice) 30h |
(en)d | dr Kamil Kopania | 30 | 2 |
conv.lecture (choice)
[pass with grade] |
sylabus | |
Wokół interpretacji sztuki |
conv.lecture (choice) 30h |
(en)d | dr Piotr Teodorczuk | 30 | 2 |
conv.lecture (choice)
[pass with grade] |
sylabus | |
(en)bez grupy / (en)obowiązkowe | ||||||||
Digital documentation |
exercise 1h |
(en)o | Anna Palacz-Brzezińska | 1 | - |
[pass] |
sylabus | |
Student internships |
exercise 180h |
(en)o | dr hab. Agnieszka Rożnowska-Jasiewicz | 180 | 5 |
[pass] |
sylabus | |
(en)Razem: | 361 | 35 |