(en)Katalog ECTS


(en)Pedagog: dr Paweł Osial

(en)Pole (en)Opis
Course type Major
Didactic methods

Didactic dialogue; didactic discussion; individual work; lecture; presentation.

Language of lecture polski;

Passing the entrance exam to the Faculty of Graphic Arts, Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw; general knowledge of history of culture and art as well as contemporary trends in graphic design; observation skills; manual skills in building visual images; knowledge of computer software to the extent necessary to perform the tasks.

Final requirements


1. origin of the letter as a sign to perpetuate speech.

2. history of the Latin alphabet in European culture.

3. influence of different writing and printing tools on the shape and construction of letters.

4. elements of letter construction.

5. classification of writings of the Latin alphabet in historical and formal terms.

6. knowledge of Polish design achievements related to lettering.




1. construction and composition of letters, taking into account such problems as light, contrast, proportion, shape harmony and rhythm of letter signs

2. ability to create an original set of characters with common characteristics.

3. professional approach to typeface selection in graphic design projects taking into account their utilitarian purpose.

4. ability to create lettering compositions that have a defined atmosphere and serve a specific design purpose, using traditional and contemporary tools

5. development of skills necessary for the work of a graphic designer professionally involved in lettering.

6. developing predispositions for the work of a graphic designer - typographer:

concentration, sensitivity to detail, systems thinking,

precision, patience and involvement.

The form of passing the course (assesment methods and criteria)

Evaluation of individual artistic work, the student's skills on the basis of exercises included in the studio curriculum; evaluation of the student's independence and involvement in the task; commission review at the end of the first semester of study; grades according to the scale provided in the study regulations.

Teaching goals (program content, subject description)

Based on examples from the history of lettering, analysis of these examples and own works, learning the construction, design and proportions of Mayan letter signs. Learning methods thanks to which a student will be able to give proper form to letters; learning to use the basic building blocks of lettering; learning to observe a lettering sign; learning processes which are used in the work of a graphic designer.

Compulsory literature used during classes (en)-brak-
Additional literature recommended for the student's self learning

Stefan Bernaciński, Liternictwo, WSiP, Wraszawa 1978
Adrian Frutiger, Człowiek i jego znaki, Do, Warszawa 2003
Tibor Szanto, Pismo i styl, Ossolineum, Warszawa 1968
Władysław Semkowicz, Paleografia łacińska, Universitas, Kraków 2002
Gerrit Noordzij, Kreska, d2d, Kraków 2014
Jost Hochuli, Detal w typografii, d2d, Kraków 2009
Jacek Mrowczyk, niewielki słownik typograficzny, Czysty warsztat, Kraków 2008
Jose Scaglione, Laura Meseguer, Crisóbal Henestrosa, Jak projektować kroje pisma, d2d, Kraków 2013
Robert Bringhurst, Elementarz stylu w typografii, Design Plus, Kraków 2007

Learning outcomes
SkillsKnowledgeSocial competences

Umiejętności (absolwent potrafi):

K_U01, K_U02, K_U03, K_U05, K_U06, K_U07, K_U08, K_U09, K_U10, K_U11, K_U13, K_U14

Wiedza (absolwent zna i rozumie):

K_W01, K_W03, K_W04, K_W06, K_W07, K_W08

Kompetencje społeczne (absolwent jest gotów):

K_K01, K_K02, K_K06

Description of the requirements for the studio, workshop or teaching aids

The studio should have: a place for individual student work; a place for corrections and credits; a place to store student work, materials, and teaching aids; an exhibition area; a computer with up-to-date graphics programs; a screen for lectures and lectures.

The weekly number of hours of classes or lectures, the number of ECTS points assigned to the subject and information on the form and completion of the subject are included in the study program and Course Cataloque (information is displayed in Akademus system)

(en)Lista studiów

(en)studia status (en)czas[h] ECTS (en)forma pass
Graphic Arts s.3 (en)o 60 2 exercise 60h
exercise [exam]

(en)Semestr 2020/21-WS (en)(Z-zimowy,L-letni)
(en)Kod kursu: #38.13104