(en)Katalog ECTS

Rzemiosło teatralne i materiałoznawstwo

(en)Pedagog: dr Ewa Kochańska-Gołoś

(en)Pole (en)Opis
Course type obligatory
Didactic methods

1. Lectures - multimedia presentation, technical plans of cultural facilities, photos, publications, material samples.
2. Workshop classes with demonstration of selected materials, craft techniques, technical drawing/ blueprints of a selected film studio and theater scenes for staging purposes.
3. craft support for individual projects that students work on.
4. Basics of theater crafts. Molding workshop, tailor's workshop, carpentry workshop, decoration & construction.
4. Individual and group consultations on dates agreed directly with students,
regardless of class dates - individual project

Language of lecture polski;

completion of the first year

Final requirements

completion of the 3st and 4nd semester + grade

The form of passing the course (assesment methods and criteria)

Attendance at classes up to 10% (two unexcused classes for all classes are excused).
2. Practical activity during classes on materials, tools and machines. Material experiments up to 20%.
3. Knowledge of documentation regarding the scope (technical drawings), purpose and method of operation of craft and theater workshops - up to 25%.
4. Understanding the principles of production, including the assessment of set and costume designs - up to 25%.
5. Basic rules regarding occupational safety and fire hazard - up to 20%.


Pass after the first semester.
1. Experiments with aqueous material. Organizational presentation.
description: task
1 medium to choose from: fabrics, plastics, natural materials of plant origin, mushrooms, animal derivatives, metals, rocks. The aim of the task is to learn about the medium by physically and manually keying the widest possible range of possibilities of shaping, deforming and processing it. 10 ways to process one medium. all 10 examples has one thema, such as: bird, magic, mask, letter and this time. The student chooses the topic independently.


Credit after the second semester.
1. task "the prop" (example: "the hat" as an psychological visualisation of chosen character)
(the condition for admission to the verbal examination is passing the first and second semester)
Verbal exam + presentation of tasks

Teaching goals (program content, subject description)

The student's education is related to the implementation of a series of seminars and practical classes. It creates a foundation and introduces issues related to stage and film crafts as well as the functioning of an individual as a designer and person supervising the production process of scenography, costumes and props.

Compulsory literature used during classes

- A. Nicole „Dzieje teatru”
- Z. Raszewski „Krótka historia teatru polskiego”
- K. Braun „Przestrzeń teatralna”
- Z. Strzelecki „Konwencje scenograficzne”

Additional literature recommended for the student's self learning

Techniki szycia odzieży"
"Modelowanie form odzieży damskiej"
"Materiałoznawstwo odzieżowe"
"Materiałoznawstwo dla stolarzy"
"Materiałoznawstwo rzemiosł drzewnych"
"Materiałoznawstwo dla kuśnierzy"
"Materiałoznawstwo protetyczne"
"Tworzywa sztuczne Materiałoznawstwo i przetwórstwo"
"Materiałoznawstwo tapicerskie"
"Materiałoznawstwo fotograficzne"
"Materiałoznawstwo szklarskie"

NEW THEATRE WORDS” słownik techniczno-teatralny w 20
językach z częścią rysunkową - wydawnictwo OISTAT
- P. Mitzner „Teatr światła i cienia”
- T. Hardin „Teatry i Opery”
- R. Southern „Proscenium and Sight Lines”
- J. Bojar „Dawne i współczesne sceny i ich wyposażenie”
Wydawnictwo „Architektura Miast I” Bydgoszcz 2008 r.
- Paweł Dobrzycki - „Sceny teatralne - projekty, szkice, rysunki, obrazy"
- Terri Harden - „Teatry i opery – arcydzieła architektury”
- André Bataille - „Lexique de la machinerie théâtrale”

Learning outcomes
SkillsKnowledgeSocial competences

student should be able to:
1. Use professional terminology in the field of known theater techniques and technologies
2. Based on the script, carry out a set design valuation of the prepared performance.
3. Use theater workshops and other stage construction workshops to achieve the intended staging effects in the prepared work.

student should acquire knowledge in the field of:
1. being proficient in the production stages of preparing a theater and movie performance.
2. being proficient in preparation set design, costume designs and production pricing
3. being familiar of using various materials to make scenography and costumes

1. Communicate with co-workers - scenographers, choreographers, light and sound directors, as well as management and technical staff, to the extent that allows for precise determination of needs regarding the performance space and the use of technical devices and performing special (magical) stage effects, including lighting, sound and pyrotechnics
2. Formulate requirements and discuss issues related to the implementation of staging means - decorations, costumes and props, including determining the type of materials, methods of execution and the possibility of using staging means in performances to achieve the intended staging effects.
3. Formulate requirements regarding the preparation and course of production, paying attention to costs, logistics and technical specifications.

Description of the requirements for the studio, workshop or teaching aids

1. Pracownia pozwalająca na brudne prace z różnymi materiałami.

2. Wyposażenie w pomoce dydaktyczne jak zakup tytułów książek z zakresu materiałoznawstwa i pozostałych wymienionych powyżej.

3. narzędzia i maszyny pozwalające na wykonywanie podstawowych prac modelatorskich, scenograficznych, kostiumograficznych.

The weekly number of hours of classes or lectures, the number of ECTS points assigned to the subject and information on the form and completion of the subject are included in the study program and Course Cataloque (information is displayed in Akademus system)

(en)Lista studiów

(en)studia status (en)czas[h] ECTS (en)forma pass
Stage Design / projektowanie scenograficzne s.4 (en)o 45 2 exercise 45h
exercise [pass]

(en)Semestr 2023/24-SS (en)(Z-zimowy,L-letni)
(en)Kod kursu: #38.24871