(en)Katalog ECTS

Furniture design

(en)Pedagog: dr prof. Uczelni Michał Kapczyński
(en)Asystent/ci: dr Jan Kochański

(en)Pole (en)Opis
Course type

Specialist education | Workshop to choose from | Hours per week - 6 | ECTS - 5 | Type of credit - ZST
Legend: zal - passed; zst - pass with grade; exam - exam; ekm - commission exam

Didactic methods

Individual project (basic form of classes), lecture, didactic dialogue, didactic discussion, workshop classes, seminar, e-learning.

Language of lecture polski;
Liczba punktów ECTS: 5
Liczba godzin w bezpośrednim kontakcie z nauczycielem akademickim – Udział w wykładach i omówieniach zagadnień związanych ze specyfiką przedmiotu – 24 godz. – Udział w konsultacjach projektu (konsultacje stacjonarne i korekty e-mailowe) – 96 godz. SUMA – 120 godz.
Liczba godzin samodzielnej pracy studenta związanych z osiągnięciem efektów uczenia się (zgodnie z profilem specyfiki kształcenia na wydziale) – Przygotowanie się do zajęć: poszukiwanie materiałów, szkicowanie i makietowanie, wprowadzanie zmian w projekcie – 15 godz. – Zapoznanie się z literaturą i materiałami pomocniczymi – 5 godz. – Opracowanie finalnego projektu: realizacja modeli, przygotowanie plansz prezentacyjnych i opracowania technicznego– 10 godz. SUMA – 30 godz.

Passing the entrance examination for the first year of SSM.

Positive result of the review of design works, with an emphasis on furniture projects (concerns students who did not study SSL in the Third Furniture Designing Studio at the third year and all students graduating from the BA Studies outside the WAW of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw).

Teaching goals (program content, subject description)

The educational process is carried out through the implementation of full-term individual and group project tasks.

The implementation of project tasks is aimed at deepening the issues related to the furniture design process, starting with the formulation of design assumptions, through the search for a form with particular emphasis on sketching and hand-modeling in the 1: 1 scale taking into account the ergonomic conditioning, choice and the use of appropriate materials, constructions and connections by drawing up project documentation based on o Industry Standards regarding the technical drawing of furniture (BN-90 / 7140-03 / 01-09) after the implementation of the prototype, in order to create a piece of furniture that meets the assumed functional, structural and aesthetic functions. Laboratory equipment, instrumentation, collected didactic materials and experience of the lecturers allow for the implementation of the curriculum from equipment to knowledge, through sketchy formal searches to experiments and testing forms
on the target scale (1: 1).

The implementation of the didactic program is aimed at:
- awakening the need for creative search for non-obvious, multi-threaded solutions, drawing inspiration from the surrounding world and using them in creative work
- development of the ability to creatively solve problems: functional, ergonomic, constructional and formal
- awareness of joining the material and construction of the designed furniture into a homogeneous logical form, fulfilling a specific utility and aesthetic function.
- education skills in designing housing equipment with furniture and furnishings that meet the requirements Usable, aesthetic and emotional.


design a chair or armchair, including your own anthropometric dimensions *
FORMY priority, adequate MATERIAL and resulting CONSTRUCTION.
* clarifying the type of ERGONOMIC FURNITURE, it is variable, the interior design proposals to which these furniture will be designed are proposed by students.

Furniture designed as part of the task, may (though not necessarily) be designed for existing interiors selected by students, or for spaces designed by them in interior design studios or exhibitions. As part of the semester task, with the consent of the teachers, it is possible for students to implement projects for external competitions.

Objectives of the task:
- consolidation and deepening of knowledge and issues learned during the implementation of earlier tasks.
- furniture design taking into account the existing spatial, aesthetic and functional situation of the interior, to which the piece of furniture is intended
- the use of combinatorics and system solutions that enable the construction of complex furniture sets
- preparation for work in a project group
- familiarization with CAD systems for furniture design and the capabilities of CNC devices and machine tools.

Scope of the semester tasks:
- design assumptions of the furniture (scenario)
- conceptual design of furniture (sketches of drawings, visualizations)
- furniture draft models in the reduction scale
- basic design of the furniture in a scale of 1: 5 (rectangular projections + perspective view)
- executive design of the furniture in 1: 1 scale * (working drawing in accordance with the implementation requirements)
- study model of furniture in 1: 1 scale (from substitute materials)
- implementation of a 1: 1 furniture prototype (from target or replacement materials)
- as-built technical documentation of the furniture *
- description of the furniture
- photographic documentation of the completed piece of furniture

Project documentation of the design process (design assumptions, conceptual sketches, photos of mock-ups, basic design and photo or visualization of the completed piece of furniture) should be presented on the board format 100 × 50 cm (horizontal).

* Technical documentation, depending on the needs and its purpose and character, can be a set of views and sections on a 1: 1 scale, A4 format notebook, containing assembly and executive drawings of elements in 1: 1 scale, or a set of executive drawings prepared for specific device.

The form of passing the course (assesment methods and criteria)

Students completing semester assignments receive two grades: project grade and grade for a technical study using the full, valid rating scale.

The components of the evaluation:
independence of work -20%
assessment of the degree of involvement -20%
project submission level -20%
plastic and substantive level of the project -20%
implementation of the prototype -20%

Final requirements

Presentation of completed semester tasks, providing mastering the basic skills of the designer's workshop and the ability to combine their own creativity with technical and technological knowledge in order to obtain individual design solutions that meet ergonomic, functional, formal and artistic requirements.

Compulsory literature used during classes

1. Furniture design - Jerzy Smardzewski - PWRiL 2009.
2. Anthropometric Atlas of the adult Polish population for design purposes - IWP
3. Meblarstwo - basic construction and design - Czesław Mętrak - WNT 1992.
4. Furniture constructions - Irena Swaczyna - WSiP 1998.
5. Ergonomics of the flat - Etienne Grandjeane - ARKADY 1978.
6. Ergonomic Design - Edwin Tytyk - PWN 2001.
7. Furniture constructions. Technical drawing - Lesław Giełdowski - WSiP 1995.

Additional literature recommended for the student's self learning

1. Terminological glossary of furniture - J. Grzelak - PWN 1998.
2. Anatomy of wood - Wojciech Kokociński - PRODRUK 2005
3. Wood Atlas - J.D. Godet - MULTICO Publishing House 2008
4. Material science of the wood industry - J. Szczuka, J. Żurowski - WSiP 1999.
5. Stylish furniture - F. Asensio - ARKADY 2004.
6. Stylish furniture - Gyula Kaesz. - Ossolineum 1990
7. Computer-aided design - J. Gis, R. Markiewicz - REA 2008.
8. Computer-integrated furniture production - Jerzy Smardzewski - PWRiL 2007.
9. Manufacturing Processes for Design Professionals - Rob Thompson - Thames & Hudson 2007.

Learning outcomes
KnowledgeSkillsSocial competences

Knowledge - The graduate knows and understands:

detailed rules regarding the conscious use of plastic means necessary for the development of projects in accordance with the selected specialty; detailed rules regarding the area of art necessary for formulation and solving complex issues in the field of artistic design art discipline

extended range of issues related to execution techniques, materials science, and other specialist issues relevant to interior design, appropriate for the chosen specialty

detailed issues regarding various techniques for project presentation, including 2D and 3D computer techniques;

problems related to technologies used in the artistic discipline of design art (in terms of overall) and technological development related to the selected specialty

Skills - A graduate can:

use a highly developed artistic personality to create, implement and express their own original artistic concepts;

consciously conduct a complex, multi-threaded design process, also of an interdisciplinary nature;

consciously and freely move within the spatial composition using your experience in dealing with relations of forms, proportions, colors and light;

consciously use the skills of the workshop enabling the creative and effective carrying out of the design process and clear development of the presentation of the project using traditional techniques and computer techniques at a high, professional level;

interact with other people as part of team work and take a leading role in such teams

use the skills of the workshop to the extent necessary to implement their own artistic projects and use effective techniques to train these skills, enabling their continuous development through independent work.

Social competences - The graduate is ready to:

lifelong learning, inspiring and organizing the learning process of other people, integrating the acquired knowledge independently and taking organized and new activities in an organized manner, also in conditions of limited access to necessary information
The graduate is ready to critically evaluate the received content, self-assessment of own design solutions and constructive criticism of other people's actions.


Metody weryfikacji przedmiotowych efektów uczenia się

– obserwacja studenta w trakcie korekt
– ocena poziomu, rzetelności i fachowości opracowania wszystkich elementów zadania semestralnego

– obserwacja studenta w trakcie korekt
– ocena poziomu, rzetelności i fachowości opracowania wszystkich elementów zadania semestralnego

– obserwacja studenta w trakcie korekt
– ocena poziomu, rzetelności i fachowości opracowania wszystkich elementów zadania semestralnego

The weekly number of hours of classes or lectures, the number of ECTS points assigned to the subject and information on the form and completion of the subject are included in the study program and Course Cataloque (information is displayed in Akademus system)

(en)Lista studiów

(en)studia status (en)czas[h] ECTS (en)forma pass
Interior Design s.2 (en)d 75 5 exercise 75h
exercise [pass with grade]

(en)Semestr 2024/25-SS (en)(Z-zimowy,L-letni)
(en)Kod kursu: #38.26944