Katalog ECTS

Projektowanie ubioru - dyplom licencjacki

Pedagog: Marcel Sommer

Pole Opis
Typ przedmiotu Obowiązkowy, kształcenie kierunkowe GTK (Grupa Treści Kierunkowych)
Metody dydaktyczne (forma zajęć)

task-based exercises
individual projects
discussion and didactic dialogue

Język wykładowy angielski;
Liczba punktów ECTS: -brak-
Liczba godzin w bezpośrednim kontakcie z nauczycielem akademickim -brak-
Liczba godzin samodzielnej pracy studenta związanych z osiągnięciem efektów uczenia się (zgodnie z profilem specyfiki kształcenia na wydziale) -brak-
Wymagania wstępne

qualification for diploma graduate year of studies;
knowledge of concepts and their development and application to their own collection in the field of fashion;
the ability to analyze phenomena in the field of art and popular culture (including fashion phenomena);

Cele dydaktyczne (treści programowe, opis przedmiotu) -brak-
Forma i sposób zaliczenia przedmiotu (metody i kryteria oceny)

The student to present their final work at the final exam. The exam criteria are a public presentation of the design portfolio and final designs on models.

The student is assessed on the basis of overall development from the beginning of the academic year to its end. The ability to work with the shapes and "layers" of clothing and the ability to propose new, contemporary silhouettes are assessed.
The student is assessed on the basis of the ability to set a concept for their graduate collection, conduct research and translate their own ideas into a fashion collection, ability to select materials and work with materials to create well-finished samples. The ability to work with colours and prints as elements are also taken into consideration.
Grading scale - compliant with the Study Regulations of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw

Wymagania końcowe

The final ear gives students the opportunity to manage their own learning. Each student will begin to define their individual creative identity as a designer. By the end of the first semester, students will have completed the initial research and design phase of their degree collection. They will also work further on their portfolio to achieve a professional standard. Students written work on the collection extends their research, analytical and communication skills. Students will focus on a selected aspect of visual, textual, material, social, media or spatial culture. In the final unit of the course, each student will complete and present their degree collection and portfolio work.

Literatura obowiązkowa wykorzystywana podczas zajęć

The literature depends on the student's individual choices made during the research exercises and is the result of individual conversations with the teacher. In addition, the teacher encourages reading art and fashion magazines, recommends exhibitions and blogs.

Literatura uzupełniająca rekomendowana do samodzielnej pracy studenta -brak-
Przedmiotowe efekty uczenia się

Have knowledge of the design methodology needed to implement your own projects (K1_W01)
Understand the impact of technology, use and market conditions on the form of the designed clothing and message (K1_W04)
Have knowledge of technology, construction and materials used to manufacture clothes. (K1_W05)
issues related to materials and modeling techniques useful for the implementation of the designed objects (KW-12)

Be able to create and implement your own design and artistic concepts, achieving the intended aesthetic, functional, technical and commercial goals. (K1_U01)
Be able to use the appropriate elements of the design and art workshop for product design and visual / fashion communication and visual communication. (K1_U02)
Be able to make dimensional and imitation models in appropriate technologies appropriate for designing clothes (KU-09)
Be able to prepare presentations of your projects using various forms of expression (K1_U16)

Be able to manage time (work schedule in the semester). He should assume the attitude of a professional designer, with an emphasis on the individualisation of the project. Organizational competence is key, i.e. how and when to carry out tasks; the workload is extensive, so you should be able to arrange it in an appropriate, systematic way. (K1_K03)
Be able to independently undertake design and artistic work. Including self-analyzing and interpreting information, developing ideas, preparing documentation and presentations. (K_K02)
Students should also effectively use their imagination, intuition, emotionality, and creative and flexible thinking; (K1 K05); as well as demonstrate the ability to adapt to new circumstances and control one's own behavior to the extent that enables public presentations (K-K06)

Metody weryfikacji przedmiotowych efektów uczenia się
Informacja: tygodniowa liczba godzin ćwiczeń lub wykładów, liczba punktów ECTS przynależna przedmiotowi oraz informacje o formie i zaliczeniu przedmiotu zawarte są w programie studiów.

Lista studiów

studia status czas[h] ECTS forma zaliczenie
Wzornictwo / projektowanie ubioru s.7 o 120 25 ćw. 120h
ćw. [egz.]
ćw. [zal.]

Semestr 2024/25-Z (Z-zimowy,L-letni)
Kod kursu: #38.23687