Katalog ECTS

Konwersatorium lekturowe w języku angielskim

Pedagog: dr Małgorzata Szyszkowska

Pole Opis
Typ przedmiotu seminar
Metody dydaktyczne (forma zajęć)

reading, discussion, team work, individual work

Język wykładowy angielski;
Wymagania wstępne


Wymagania końcowe

written work

Forma i sposób zaliczenia przedmiotu (metody i kryteria oceny)

regular attendance (20%)

critical discussion of selected work/written work 1 (30%)

written work 2: artistic self-presentation (50%)

Cele dydaktyczne (treści programowe, opis przedmiotu)

- understanding of the academic subject (subdomain) of aesthetics, its goals, methods and main topics

- practical application of primary aesthetic goal of critical understanding and assessment of art

- getting to know the primary 20th century aesthetic literature

- practical application of aesthetic texts/ideas to appreciation and understanding of art 

Literatura obowiązkowa wykorzystywana podczas zajęć

1. Defining Art & BeautyW. Tatarkiewicz, “Beauty”, History of Six ideas, Oxford 1980

2. The Concept of ArtJ. Levinson, "Defining Art Historically" (1979), Aesthetics and The Philosophy of Art. The Analytic Tradition, ed. by P. Lamarque, S. H. Olsen

3. The Concept of ArtJ. Levinson, "Defining Art Historically" (1979), Aesthetics and The Philosophy of Art. The Analytic Tradition, ed. by P. Lamarque, S. H. Olsen cont.

4. Art in Context Morris Weitz, "The Role of Theory in Aesthetics", Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism (1956)

5. Creativity as Art– Image and Message: “Modern Hieroglyphs”, “Laws of the Letter”, in: Design Writing Research, E. Lupton, L. Abbott Miller, Princeton Architectural Pr, 1995

6. The Essence of art –  a different perspective Semir Zeki, “Art and the Brain”, Daedalus, Vol. 127, No. 2, The Brain (Spring, 1998), pp. 71-103

7. Art as Communication?Robin G. Collingwood, The Principles of Art, London 1938, pp. 21-41, 144-153

8. The Standard of Taste David Hume, “Of the Standard of Taste”, Essays on the Political, the Moral and the Literary

9. The Creative Reality of ArtArthur C. Danto, "The Transfiguration of the Commonplace", Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism (1974)

10. Art in Social Reality Arthur C. Danto, "The Artworld”, criticism and understanding of the institutional theory of art

11. Criticism in Art – Creativity as Influence Harold Bloom, Antithetical Criticism: An Introduction, Diacritics, Vol. 1, No. 2 (Winter 1970), pp. 39-046

12. Back to the Experience of Art John Dewey, Art As Experience, Penguin Books, 1934 (chapter 1, 14)

13. The experience and evaluation in contemporary world Richard Shusterman, The End of Aesthetic Experience, Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism

14. The Materiality of Art J.F. Lyotard, For a Pseudo-Theory, Yale French Studies, No. 52 (1975), pp. 115-127

Literatura uzupełniająca rekomendowana do samodzielnej pracy studenta

Jacques Derrida, “Difference”, in: A Derrida Reader. Between the Blinds, New York 1991, pp. 59-80

M. McLuhan, Medium is the Message, Massachusset 1964 (illustrations)

Opis przedmiotowych efektów uczenia się w zakresie:

reading and understanding philosophical texts

applying ideas from read text to art and artistic context

getting to know primary texts on aestheticss

getting to know the relationship between aesthetics and art criticism and art

differentiating between aesthetics and aesthetic assessment of art and art itself

participation in open discussion on art and its place in contemporary society

Opis wymagań dotyczących pracowni, warsztatu lub pomocy dydaktycznych


Informacja: tygodniowa liczba godzin ćwiczeń lub wykładów, liczba punktów ECTS przynależna przedmiotowi oraz informacje o formie i zaliczeniu przedmiotu zawarte są w programie studiów.

Lista studiów

studia status czas[h] ECTS forma zaliczenie
Master of Graphic Arts (MGA) s.2 o 16 4 Konw 16h
Konw [zal. z oceną]

Semestr 2023/24-Z (Z-zimowy,L-letni)
Kod kursu: #38.24710