(en)Przedmiot | (en)Rodzaj zajęć dydaktycznych |
(en)Obowiązkowe/ Wybór |
(en)Prowadzący | (en)Czas [h] |
(en)ECTS [pkt.] |
(en)Zaliczenie | Sylabus | |
Laboratorium do wyboru | ECTS: 3 (en)ilość: 1 | |||||||
Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw 2019–2023 |
30h |
(en)d | dr Jakub Mazurkiewicz dr hab. Łukasz Ronduda |
30 | 3 |
[pass with grade] |
sylabus | |
Drifting Laboratory |
30h |
(en)d | dr Jakub Szreder | 30 | 3 |
[pass with grade] |
sylabus | |
Games Laboratory |
30h |
(en)d | mgr Ryszard Zimek dr hab. Jan Sowa |
30 | 3 |
[pass with grade] |
sylabus | |
Women's Museum Lab |
30h |
(en)d | dr Marika Kuźmicz dr hab. Luiza Nader |
30 | 3 |
[pass with grade] |
sylabus | |
Behind the scenes. Artistic research with Warsaw Observatory of Culture |
30h |
(en)d | dr Karolina Thel | 30 | 3 |
[pass with grade] |
sylabus | |
(en)bez grupy / (en)obowiązkowe | ||||||||
Philosophy of culture and history of anthropology |
lecture 30h |
(en)o | dr Katarzyna Kasia | 30 | 2 |
[exam] |
sylabus | |
History of International and Polish Modern Art |
30h |
(en)o | dr Paweł Ignaczak | 30 | 2 |
[pass with grade] |
sylabus | |
History of Early Modern Art |
60h |
(en)o | dr Paweł Ignaczak | 60 | 2 |
[exam] |
sylabus | |
History of Art in Poland 1890–2010 |
seminar 30h |
(en)o | dr Piotr Słodkowski | 30 | 2 |
[pass with grade] |
sylabus | |
Foreign language: French B2 |
exercise 30h |
(en)o | mgr Janina Furgał | 30 | 1 |
[pass with grade] |
sylabus | |
The culture of place |
seminar 30h |
(en)o | dr Karolina Thel | 30 | 3 |
[pass with grade] |
sylabus | |
Curating an exhibition |
workshop 30h |
(en)o | dr Marika Kuźmicz | 30 | 2 |
[pass with grade] |
sylabus | |
Local culture diagnosis tools |
exercise 30h |
(en)o | dr hab. Jan Wojciechowski | 30 | 2 |
[pass with grade] |
sylabus | |
Visual Practices Studio |
workshop 45h |
(en)o | mgr Łukasz Izert | 45 | 2 |
[pass with grade] |
sylabus | |
Student internships |
internship 250h |
(en)o | dr Piotr Płucienniczak | 250 | 5 |
[pass with grade] |
sylabus | |
Drawing |
workshop 60h |
(en)o | mgr Łukasz Izert | 60 | 2 |
[pass with grade] |
sylabus | |
Text in the Field of Art. Typologies and Methods of Use |
exercise 30h |
(en)o | dr Jakub Banasiak | 30 | 2 |
[pass with grade] |
sylabus | |
(en)Razem: | 685 | 30 | ||||||
Laboratorium do wyboru | ECTS: 6 (en)ilość: 1 | |||||||
Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw 2019–2023 |
30h |
(en)d | dr Jakub Mazurkiewicz dr hab. Łukasz Ronduda |
30 | 6 |
[pass with grade] |
sylabus | |
Wykład konwersatoryjny do wyboru | ECTS: 2 (en)ilość: 1 | |||||||
Local culture diagnosis tools |
lecture 30h |
(en)d | Wanda Kaczor | 30 | 2 |
[exam] |
sylabus | |
Języki obce | ECTS: 2 (en)ilość: 1 | |||||||
French language B2+ |
2h |
(en)o | mgr Janina Furgał | 2 | - |
[grade] |
sylabus | |
Foreign language: French B2 |
exercise 30h |
(en)o | mgr Janina Furgał | 30 | 1 |
[pass with grade] |
sylabus | |
(en)bez grupy / (en)obowiązkowe | ||||||||
Philosophy of culture and history of anthropology |
exercise 30h |
(en)o | dr hab. Jan Sowa | 30 | 2 |
[pass with grade] |
sylabus | |
History of contemporary art |
30h |
(en)o | dr Jakub Dąbrowski | 30 | 2 |
[pass with grade] |
sylabus | |
History of Early Modern Art |
30h |
(en)o | dr Ewa Kociszewska | 30 | 3 |
[pass with grade] |
sylabus | |
History of Art in Poland 1890–2010 |
30h |
(en)o | dr hab. Luiza Nader | 30 | 2 |
[pass with grade] |
sylabus | |
Curating an exhibition |
workshop 30h |
(en)o | dr Marika Kuźmicz | 30 | 2 |
[pass with grade] |
sylabus | |
Study tour: Cracow |
30h |
(en)o | dr Olaf Kwapis | 30 | 3 |
[pass with grade] |
sylabus | |
Visual Practices Studio |
workshop 45h |
(en)o | dr Jakub Mazurkiewicz | 45 | 2 |
[pass with grade] |
sylabus | |
Student internships |
internship 250h |
(en)o | dr Piotr Płucienniczak | 250 | 5 |
[pass with grade] |
sylabus | |
Intelctual Property Law |
lecture 30h |
(en)o | dr Jakub Dąbrowski | 30 | 3 |
[exam] |
sylabus | |
Architectural drawing |
workshop 60h |
(en)o | mgr Łukasz Izert | 60 | 3 |
[pass with grade] |
sylabus | |
(en)Razem: | 655 | 37 | ||||||
(en)bez grupy / (en)obowiązkowe | ||||||||
Internet and visual culture |
30h |
(en)o | dr hab. Aleksander Zbrzezny, prof. uczelni | 30 | 2 |
[pass with grade] |
sylabus | |
(en)Razem: | 30 | 2 |